WYSOLONE 20MG – Prednisolone 10 tablets


Brand Name: Wysolone 

Name:  Prednisolone

Strength: 20 mg

Pills per order:  10 Pills

Production Company:  Pfizer 

Used for:   Corticosteroid, Allergies, Joint Inflammation, skin conditions, liver issues, multiple uses for this steroid.  

Wysolone 20 mg

Wysolone 20 mg is a medication used to treat numerous illnesses.

Wysolone 20 mg, a corticosteroid, consists of prednisolone. Anabolic steroids are distinct from corticosteroids. Wysolone 20 mg is a commonly prescribed medication for allergies, joint inflammation (arthritis), breathing problems (e.g., asthma), certain blood disorders, collagen diseases (e.g., lupus), certain eye diseases (e.g., keratitis), cancer (e.g., leukaemia), endocrine issues (e.g., adrenocortical insufficiency), and gastrointestinal issues (e.g., ulcerative co (e.g., psoriasis). It alleviates inflammation (redness and swelling) and allergic reactions by preventing the release of the chemicals that cause them. Also included are instructions for preventing organ rejection after transplantation.

Wysolone 20 mg is used to treat a variety of allergic responses and inflammation in the body, including allergies, blood disorders, skin diseases, infections, and certain cancers, as well as to avoid organ rejection after a transplant. It also suppresses the immune system, which may aid in the treatment of autoimmune illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis in which the immune system erroneously attacks the body’s own tissues.

Wysolone 20 mg is taken with food at the dose and duration prescribed by the physician. Your dosage will depend on your medical condition and how you respond to the drug. Weakness of the muscles, nausea, headaches, and an ulcer of the stomach are all possible adverse effects. The majority of Wysolone 20 mg adverse effects do not necessitate medical attention and subside with time. However, if the bad effects persist, consult a physician.

Take it only if your doctor prescribes it. Never encourage self-medication or suggest that others use your medications. You should not take Wysolone 20 mg if you are allergic to steroids or prednisolone, if you have serious liver or kidney problems, or if you have epilepsy. Consult a physician if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or using any other prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

Wysolone 20 mg is used to treat a range of allergic reactions and conditions.

Wysolone 20 mg

Medicinal Advantages

By inhibiting the production of chemical messengers known as “histamine,” which are naturally involved in allergic reactions, Wysolone 20 mg is used to treat a variety of allergic reactions and inflammation in the body. Wysolone 20 mg is used to treat allergies, joint inflammation (arthritis), breathing problems (e.g., asthma), certain blood disorders, collagen diseases (e.g., lupus), certain eye diseases (e.g., keratitis), cancer (e.g., leukaemia), endocrine problems (e.g., adrenocortical insufficiency), and intestinal problems (e.g., ulcers) (e.g., psoriasis). It alleviates inflammation (redness and swelling) and allergic reactions by preventing the release of the chemicals that cause them. Also included are instructions for preventing organ rejection after transplantation.

Use Instructions

Generally, it is prudent to adhere to your doctor’s instructions. The dosage of Wysolone 20 mg is based on the condition being treated and the needed level of symptom management.


Place in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.

Wysolone 20 mg Side Effects

Everyone does not have to endure the above negative effects. Consult a physician if you develop any pain. The majority of Wysolone 20 mg side effects for high blood pressure are headaches or a general feeling of sickness. Potassium shortage symptoms include peptic ulcer, ruptured or bleeding ulcers, nausea, skin atrophy, acne, muscular weakness, myalgia (muscle pains), infections, migraines, edema, poor wound healing, and skin thinning. Everyone does not have to endure the above negative effects. Consult your physician if you have any discomfort.

Precautions and Warnings

Before beginning Wysolone 20 mg, inform your doctor if you are allergic to corticosteroids or prednisolone or if you have recently experienced a heart attack, hypertension, stomach ulcer, epilepsy, diabetes, or epilepsy. Please consult a physician if you are planning to become pregnant or if you are pregnant and nursing to avoid harming the baby. Also, inform your doctor of all over-the-counter medications you’re taking to avoid any potential interactions.

Interactions Between Drugs

Predisolone has been found to interact with NSAIDs (ibuprofen, naproxen), blood thinners (aspirin), anti-asthma medications (budesonide), water pills (furosemide), blood pressure-lowering pills (lisinopril), alprazolam, and bronchodilators (albuterol, ipratropium). Therefore, before using Wysolone 20 mg, you should inform your physician if you are taking any of these medications.

Predisolone has a substantial interaction with grapefruit and high-protein diets. Therefore, it should not be combined with 20 mg of Wysolone.

Avoid Predisolone if you have an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism), have or have recently received a vaccination, infections, stomach ulcers, ulcerative colitis (GI perforation), prematurity problems, tuberculosis, hyperadrenocorticism (presence of excess adrenocortical hormones), hyperlipidemia (high levels of fats in the blood), liver disease or kidney failure, myasthenia gravis.

Safety Suggestions


To avoid unpleasant side effects such as acute dizziness, consuming alcohol while taking Predisolone is not recommended.


Before prescribing medication to you, your doctor will weigh the benefits and any potential risks. Please consult with a physician. Predisolone is rarely administered to pregnant women unless the benefits outweigh the risks.


Predisolone should only be administered to a breastfeeding mother if the benefits outweigh the risks for both the mother and the infant. You should consult a physician before taking predisolone.


Common adverse effects of prednisolone include vertigo, drowsiness, and vision issues, which may affect a person’s ability to drive or operate machinery. Before driving or operating machinery, you must ensure that you are not impaired.


Utilize Predisolone with caution, particularly if you have a history of liver difficulties. Your physician may need to adjust the dosage.


Utilize Predisolone with caution, particularly if you have a history of kidney difficulties. Your physician may need to adjust the dosage.

No habit formation

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

Ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds that may reduce coughing by relaxing membranes in the airways.

When suffering from a cough or cold, it is essential to stay hydrated. The symptoms of cough, runny nose, and sneezing might be alleviated by consuming liquids at room temperature.

Acid reflux is the leading cause of coughing. Avoiding foods that trigger acid reflux is one of the simplest ways to treat this sickness and accompanying cough.

The immune system is affected by stress, which raises the probability of being unwell. A person can relieve stress with frequent exercise, meditation, deep breathing, and progressive muscle relaxation techniques.

Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to maintain health and safety.

It is preferable to avoid allergens (allergy-causing elements) such as pollen, dust, and specific foods that are known to cause allergic reactions in you.

Maintain proper personal hygiene and a clean environment.

Additional Information : This item is non-refundable.

Glossary of Diseases and Conditions

Allergy is a response of the immune system to normally non-damaging environmental chemicals. Allergens refer to these foreign substances. The severity of an allergic reaction differs between individuals. Certain foods and seasonal allergens, such as hay fever, might trigger allergic reactions in certain individuals. Others may have pollen or animal dander allergies. Cough is a symptom of allergies. Coughing is a reflexive response to mucus or any other external irritant in the throat.


Depending on the severity of your medical condition, your physician may prescribe it daily for a predetermined duration. However, you should not take it without consulting a physician indefinitely.

There is a chance that your symptoms will improve before the underlying issue is completely resolved. Even if you feel better, it is advised that you complete the entire course of treatment.

You may contract the disease again if you receive a ‘live’ vaccination (such as measles, mumps, polio, or chickenpox) while taking Wysolone 20 mg. This is because the vaccine may not work and you may contract the disease again.

Predisolone is known to cause gastrointestinal distress. Predisolone should be administered with food to prevent stomach upset.

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Chemical Name


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