VITARA V 60MG 10 tablets


Brand Name:  Vitara V

Name:  Vardenafil

Strength: 60 mg

Pills per order:  10 Pills

Production Company:  Signature Pharmaceuticals

Used for:   Erectile Dysfunction, ED, Male Sexual Function Problems, Male sexual performance,

Vitara V 60mg

Vitara V 60mg is used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence; inability to produce or maintain an erection) in men. Phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors are the class of medications that Vitara V 60mg belongs to. During sexual excitement, it enhances penile blood flow. A possible consequence of the increased blood flow is an erection. Vitara V 60mg is not and is not a solution for sexual desire or erectile dysfunction, but it is a treatment for the difficulties that prevent men from attaining an erection and engaging in sexual activity. Vitara V 60mg does not provide protection against pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV (HIV).

Vitara V 60 mg contains the active component vardenafil. Vitara V 60mg is a popular treatment for erectile dysfunction (ED) among males. Vitara V 60mg provides various benefits, including achieving an erection, maintaining an erection throughout sexual activity, achieving a fuller, harder erection to enjoy sexual activity, and reaching climax during sexual activity. The anti-erectile dysfunction medicine increases blood flow to the penis, resulting in a stronger and longer-lasting erection. To enhance your sexual performance, use 60 mg of Vitara V. Your medical condition determines the dosage that’s right for you. Vitara V 60mg, like many other medications, does not work the same for everyone. Some individuals may derive advantage from the lowest dose, while others may derive benefit from the higher dose.

What is the best way to take this medication?

Vitara V 60mg is available for oral use as a tablet and a fast-dissolving (dissolves in the mouth and is taken without water) tablet. It is frequently used 60 minutes prior to sexual activity, with or without food. In most circumstances, Vitara V 60 mg should not be administered more than once every 24 hours. Your doctor may advise you to take Vitara V 60 mg less often if you have certain health conditions or if you are taking specific medications. Follow the advice on your prescription label carefully, and if you do not understand anything, ask your doctor or pharmacist to clarify it. Vitara V 60 mg should be administered precisely as directed. Do not take more or less of it or take it more frequently than prescribed by your doctor.

Check the blister pack before taking the first dose of a medication that dissolves rapidly. If any of the blisters are damaged, broken, or missing tablets, none of the medication in the box should be used. To take the tablet from the blister packaging, according to the box’s instructions. If you attempt to force the pill through the wrapper, it will shatter. Place the tablet on your tongue and close your mouth immediately after removing it from the blister pack. The pill will dissolve quickly. The rapidly dissolving pill must not be combined with water or other liquids.

Most likely, your doctor would begin you on a low dose of Vitara V 60mg pills and gradually increase or decrease it based on your response to the medication. Since quickly dissolving tablets are only available in a single dosage strength, your doctor will be unable to adjust your dosage if you are taking them. If you need a higher or lower dosage, your doctor may instead give you regular tablets. Consult your physician if Vitara V 60 mg is ineffective or if you have side effects.

Other use for this medication

This medication may be recommended for other uses; see your doctor or pharmacist for further information. Before using Vitara V 60 mg, you should see a physician.

Inform your doctor or pharmacist immediately if you are allergic to Vitara V 60mg, any other medications, or any of the components in Vitara V 60mg tablets. Request the ingredients list from your pharmacist. Do not take Vitara V 60 mg if you are currently taking or have recently taken riociguat (Adempas) or nitrates such as isosorbide dinitrate (Dilatrate-SR, Isordil, in BiDil), isosorbide mononitrate (Monoket), or nitroglycerin (Minitran, Nitro-Dur, Nitromist, Nitrostat, others). There are pill, sublingual (under the tongue), spray, patch, paste, and ointment formulations of nitrates. Consult your physician if you are uncertain whether any of your medications include nitrates.

Avoid nitrate-containing illegal substances, such as amyl nitrate and butyl nitrate (“poppers”), while using Vardenafil.

Inform your physician and pharmacist of any other medications, vitamins, or nutritional supplements you are now taking or intend to take. Mention one or more of the following specifically: Antifungals include fluconazole (Diflucan), itraconazole (Onmel, Sporanox), and ketoconazole (Nizoral); clarithromycin (Biaxin, in Prevpac); disopyramide (Norpace); erythromycin (E.E.S., E-Mycin, Erythrocin); erythromycin (E.E.S., E-Mycin, Erythrocin); ery (Calan, Covera, Verelan, others). Your physician may need to alter your doses or monitor you closely for undesirable effects. Vardenafil may interact with a number of other medications; thus, you should notify your doctor of all your medicines, even if they are not on this list.

Inform your physician if you are taking any herbal supplements, particularly St. John’s wort.

Tell your doctor if you’ve ever had an erection that lasted longer than four hours. Tell your doctor if you currently have or have ever had angulation, cavernosal fibrosis, or Peyronie’s disease; diabetes; high cholesterol; high or low blood pressure; irregular heartbeat; a heart attack; angina (chest pain); a stroke; stomach or intestine ulcers; a bleeding disorder; blood cell problems such as sickle cell anemia (a disease of the red blood cells) or multiple myeloma (a cancer of the plasma cells); a Also inform your doctor if you or anyone in your family has or has ever had long QT syndrome (a heart condition) or retinitis pigmentosus (an eye disease), or if you have ever experienced severe vision loss, particularly if you were told that the vision loss was caused by a blockage of blood flow to the nerves that help you see. Inform your doctor if a health care professional has ever advised you to refrain from sexual activity for medical reasons.

Vardenafil is just for men, so bear this in mind. Women should not take Vardenafil, particularly if they are pregnant, may become pregnant, or are nursing. A pregnant woman who is taking Vardenafil should consult her physician.

Inform your doctor or dentist that you are taking Vardenafil if you are undergoing dental surgery or any other dental procedure.

You should be aware that sexual activity may place a strain on your heart, especially if you have cardiac issues. Notify your doctor immediately if you experience chest discomfort during sexual activity, and refrain from engaging in sexual activity unless instructed otherwise.

Inform your physicians and nurses that you are taking Vardenafil. If you ever require emergency medical care for a heart disease, the medical professionals who treat you will need to know when you last took Vardenafil.

If you have phenylketonuria (PKU), an inherited condition that requires a special diet to prevent brain damage that can lead to severe intellectual disability, you should be informed that the rapid dissolving tablets contain aspartame, a phenylalanine source.

If you have fructose intolerance (an inherited disease in which the body lacks the protein required to break down fructose), you should be informed that the rapidly dissolving tablets include sorbitol as a sweetener. If you have fructose intolerance, you should inform your physician.

Should I adhere to certain dietary guidelines?

Consult your doctor before consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice if you are on this medicine.

What are the potential adverse effects of this drug?

Vardenafil is capable of causing undesirable consequences. If any of these symptoms are severe or persistent, see a physician:


stomach ache


Flu-like symptoms include a stuffy or runny nose.

Some of the negative effects might be life-threatening. Call your doctor right away if you have any of the following symptoms:

an erection that lasts more than four hours

Sudden and severe eyesight loss (see below for more information)

eyesight problems

color vision alters (seeing blue tinge on objects, difficulty telling the difference between blue and green, or difficulty seeing at night)


Hearing loss or a sudden decline in hearing ringing in the ears

Face, neck, tongue, lips, eyes, hands, feet, ankles, and lower legs swelling


fainting hives rash trouble breathing or swallowing

Other vardenafil adverse effects are conceivable. If you encounter any unusual side effects while using this medication, see your doctor.

Some patients who used Vardenafil or similar medications had a sudden loss of partial or whole vision. In other instances, the loss of vision was permanent. It is unknown if the medicine caused the vision loss. If you have unexpected vision loss while using Vardenafil, contact your doctor immediately. Do not take any additional doses of Vardenafil or similar medications like sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil until you speak with your doctor (Cialis).

After using Vardenafil or similar medications, some patients had a sudden reduction in hearing or loss of hearing. Generally, hearing loss affects only one ear and is irreversible. It is unknown whether the medicine was responsible for the hearing loss. Contact your doctor immediately if you have sudden hearing loss, ringing in the ears, or dizziness while taking Vardenafil. Do not take any additional doses of Vardenafil or similar medications like sildenafil (Viagra) or tadalafil until you speak with your doctor (Cialis).

What should I know about the storage and disposal of this medication?

Keep this medication in its original container, tightly sealed and out of the reach of children. It must be stored at room temperature, away from heat and humidity (not in the bathroom).

To avoid dogs, children, and others from consuming unused medications, they must be discarded in a certain manner. However, you should not flush this medication down the toilet. Instead, a drug take-back program is the most effective way to dispose of medicine. To learn about take-back programs in your region, consult with your local pharmacy or contact your local garbage/recycling agency.

Due to the fact that many containers (such as weekly pill organizers and those for eye drops, creams, patches, and inhalers) are not child-resistant and young children may easily open them, it is essential to keep all medications out of the sight and access of children. To prevent poisoning in young children, always lock the safety caps and store medications in a secure area that is out of their reach.

Symptoms of overdose may include:

reduced eyesight owing to back or muscle discomfort

What other information should I be aware of?

Attend all of your doctor’s appointments.

Do not share your medication with anybody else.

Keep a record of all prescription and nonprescription (over-the-counter) drugs, as well as vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements. If you see a doctor or are hospitalized, you should bring this list with you. It is also vital information to possess in case of an emergency.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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