TRAZONIL 25MG 10 tablets


Brand Name: Trazonil

Name:  Trazodone 

Strength:   25 mg

Pills per order:  10 pills

Production Company:   Intas 

Used for:  Antidepressants used to treat all types of depression along with depression associated with anxiety 


TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET belongs to a class of antidepressant drugs used to treat all types of depression. It can also be used to treat anxiety-related depression (a mental disorder characterized by a persistent feeling of worry or fear). Depression is a life-altering mood condition characterized by feelings of grief, loss, or rage. Additionally, this disease can be accompanied by anxiousness. Both illnesses have symptoms and can be treated in a similar manner.

The antidepressant trazodone is contained in TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET. Trazodone works by raising serotonin and noradrenaline (brain chemicals) and decreasing depressive symptoms. Low amounts of serotonin and noradrenaline cause symptoms of depression.

The TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET is available in tablet form. You must take this medication precisely as advised by your physician. The adverse effects of TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET may include nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and drowsiness. These adverse effects typically disappear without therapy. Consult a medical professional immediately if any of these side effects persist or worsen.

It is not recommended to take TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET if you are allergic to Trazodone or any of its components, if you have recently suffered a heart attack, if you are an alcoholic, or if you have been taking sleeping medications. Children and teenagers under the age of 18 should not take TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET since it may promote suicide ideation and exacerbate depression. Inform your doctor if you have seizures (fits), severe liver, kidney, or heart issues, hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid), urinary problems, glaucoma (an eye illness), schizophrenia or other mental disorders prior to taking TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET. Inform your physician if you are pregnant or nursing. Elderly patients may require dose modifications. Alcohol might produce excessive drowsiness, so avoid it. If you feel drowsy after taking TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET, avoid driving or operating heavy machinery.

Applications of TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET: Depression


Medicinal Benefits

The antidepressant trazodone is contained in TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET. This antidepressant is effective and well tolerated. It functions by replenishing the brain chemicals serotonin and noradrenaline, which are vital for enhancing mood and energy levels. Also, it can relieve anxiousness. It has drowsiness as an adverse effect. Consequently, it can also induce sleep in people with depression and insomnia (sleeplessness).

Directions for Use

The TRAZONIL 25 MG TABLET is available in tablet form. The tablets are consumed with a full glass of water. Not to be broken, chewed, or crushed. The doctor determines the exact dosage and duration based on your health situation.


Place in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight.

Side Effects of TRAZONIL 25 MG  TABLET





Drug Warnings

When administered to children or adolescents below the age of 18, TRAZODONE may increase suicide ideation and exacerbate depression or anxiety.

Young adults who have previously experienced suicide ideation should also use Trazodone with caution. If you experience suicidal thoughts while using this medication, visit a physician immediately. Do not stop taking TRAZODONE without your doctor’s advice, even if you feel better. This medication’s abrupt discontinuation may result in withdrawal symptoms such as insomnia, irritability, and profuse sweating. Before discontinuing this medication, the doctor may reduce the dosage gradually to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Drug Interactions

TRAZODONE may interact with other antidepressant medications (tranylcypromine, phenelzine, isocarboxazid, amitriptyline, fluoxetine, and hypericum perforatum), medicines used to treat Parkinson’s disease (selegiline and levodopa), muscle relaxants or pain relievers, sleeping pills, medicines used to treat fits (carbamazepine and phenytoin), a medicine used (chlorpromazine, fluphenazine, levomepromazine, and perphenazine).

Alcohol should be avoided when taking TRAZODONE, as it may raise the chance of adverse effects.

Drug-disease interactions: Patients with heart failure and alcoholism should not use TRAZODONE. Patients with convulsions, severe liver, heart, or renal failure, hyperthyroidism, urinary issues, glaucoma (an eye ailment), psychosis or other mental illnesses should use TRAZODONE with caution.

Safety Warning


Avoid alcohol since it may interact with TRAZODONE and raise the risk of adverse effects.


TRAZODONE is a category C drug because it may cause harm to an unborn child. Therefore, it should be administered with caution to pregnant women.


TRAZODONE may enter breast milk and induce undesirable consequences in a nursing infant. Therefore, it should be administered with caution to nursing moms.


TRAZODONE may induce somnolence. Therefore, do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you are feeling sleepy.


In patients with severe liver disease, TRAZODONE should be administered with caution. Your doctor may need to modify the dosage.


In patients with severe kidney disease, TRAZODONE should be used with caution. Your doctor may need to modify the dosage.

Habit Forming :  No

Diet & Lifestyle Advise

The combination of a good diet and regular exercise improves general health and enhances self-esteem.

Attend counseling sessions regularly.

Meditation and yoga practice. This alleviates stress and promotes relaxation.

Follow a consistent sleep schedule to enhance the quantity and quality of your sleep.

Include omega-rich foods such as fish, nuts, fresh fruits, vegetables, and olive oils in your diet.

Neurotransmitters are produced from amino acids. Meat, dairy products, and some fruits and vegetables that are high in amino acids contribute to the appropriate maintenance of neurotransmitters.

Complex carbs stimulate serotonin production (a feel-good neurotransmitter). Whole grains, legumes, spinach, broccoli, oranges, and pears are examples.

Exercise stimulates the body’s natural antidepressant production. It also aids in stress relief, mood enhancement, self-esteem enhancement, and comfortable sleep.

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.

Learn about your disease, comprehend the risk factors, and adhere to the treatment plan prescribed by your doctor.

Special Advise

TRAZODONE may influence glucose levels in the blood. Patients with diabetes should therefore constantly monitor their blood glucose levels while using this medication.

Inform your doctor if you are getting medical or dental treatment while taking TRAZODONE.

Other Information :  This item is Not Returnable.

Disease/Condition Glossary

Depression is a mental illness characterized by feelings of chronic sorrow, dissatisfaction, anger, hopelessness, or loss that interfere with daily tasks. Depression can also impact chronic health issues and interpersonal connections. Decreased levels of neurotransmitters (chemicals in the brain) such as dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline result in depressive symptoms. The specific etiology of depression is unknown, but it has been linked to mental disorders, trauma, genetics, substance abuse, and medical issues. Depression can be treated with counseling (psychotherapy) and medications.


Antidepressant ‘trazodone’ is present in TRAZODONE. It functions by replenishing serotonin and noradrenaline levels in the brain. Serotonin and noradrenaline are brain chemicals involved for elevating levels of energy, mood, and emotion.

TRAZODONE induces sleepiness and is used to treat insomnia (problem falling asleep). Your doctor will determine the dosage and duration of this medication required to treat insomnia.

If TRAZODONE is given once daily and you experience sleepiness, it is recommended to take the medication at night. However, do not alter the dosage, duration, or timing of your medicine without first consulting your doctor.

The adverse effects of TRAZODONE may include nausea, vomiting, indigestion, and drowsiness. These adverse effects typically disappear without therapy. However, if any of these adverse effects persist or worsen, seek emergency medical attention.

Blood sugar levels may be affected by TRAZODONE. Consequently, your doctor may advise you to monitor your blood sugar often while using this medication.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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