TENORMIN 25 MG 14 Tablets


Brand Name:  Tenormin

Name:  Atenolol

Strength:  25  mg

Pills per order:   14 Tablets

Production Company:   Abbott 

Used for:    To treat high blood pressure, angina pectoris (chest pain or discomfort caused by a lack of oxygen-rich blood to your heart muscle), arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeat), and thyrotoxicosis (the symptoms caused by the over secretion of the thyroid hormone). It’s also used to prevent migraines and relieve heart strain after a heart attack.

Tenormin 25 MG

The manufacturer is Abbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Atenolol is contained within this product.


Tenormin 25 MG Tablet is a medicine containing Atenolol. It is used to treat hypertension, angina pectoris (chest pain or discomfort from a shortage of oxygen-rich blood to the heart muscle), arrhythmias (abnormal heartbeat), and thyrotoxicosis (the symptoms caused by the over secretion of the thyroid hormone). Additionally, it is used to prevent migraines and reduce heart strain following a heart attack.

Relaxing blood vessels, Tenormin 25 mg Tablet enhances blood flow to the heart. It also reduces the rate and force of your heartbeats and decreases the heart’s activity. As a result, the blood-pumping pressure is reduced, easing the strain on the heart.

Certain individuals taking Tenormin 25 mg Tablet may experience vertigo, headaches, difficulty breathing, and low blood pressure. Avoid operating heavy machinery or driving if you feel dizzy or tired after taking this medication. If you have an allergy to this drug, you should not use it. Getting up from a seated or reclined posture abruptly might cause fatigue, therefore rising slowly is recommended.

The Tenormin 25 mg Tablet may be taken with or without food. Take this medication at the same time each day to help you remember it. Do not stop using this medication without consulting your doctor first. Stopping this medication abruptly can result in more serious complications, such as a stroke or heart attack.

Tenormin 25 mg Tablet may not be suitable for all patients. It may not be recommended if you have asthma (or other respiratory difficulties), renal, or liver disease. Before using this drug if you are pregnant, planning a pregnancy, or breastfeeding, consult your doctor. Ensure that you have a balanced and nutritious diet. In addition to taking this medication, you should adopt lifestyle adjustments such as consuming a low-fat diet, engaging in regular exercise, and quitting smoking in order to feel better.

Tenormin 25 MG Tablet Replacements Alternatives to Tenormin 25 mg Tablet

Atmost 25 MG Tablet by Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd

G-Ten 25 mg Tablet from Strides Shasun

Alembic Ltd. Odinol 25 MG Tablet

Ipca Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. Teno 25 MG Tablet

Tenolol 25 MG Tablet from Ipca Laboratories Pvt.


Negative effects

Tenormin 25 mg Tablet is associated with both serious and minor adverse effects.

Vision is hazy


Hands or feet that are cold

Blood pressure that is too low

Heart rate is slow.


Increased thirst due to a decrease in urine frequency

Appetite loss.

Sleeping problems


Tenormin 25 MG Tablet Indications What is Tenormin 25 MG Tablet used for?


Angina pectoris is a type of heart attack.

Myocardial infarction (MI) is a type of heart attack that occurs when the

Arrhythmias of the heart

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a list of related items

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Questions that are frequently asked

How long does it take for this treatment to begin working?

The effects of Tenormin 25 mg Tablet may be observed within three hours.

How long do the effects of this medication last?

The average duration of action of Tenormin 25 mg Tablet is around 24 hours.

Can alcohol be used while taking this medication?

Alcohol should not be combined with Tenormin 25 mg Tablet because it may induce symptoms such as extremely low blood pressure, headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, and/or changes in pulse or heart rate.

Is this an addictive substance?

It was discovered that Tenormin 25 mg Tablet had no habit-forming characteristics.

Is the use of this medicine during pregnancy safe?

Tenormin 25 mg Tablet is safe to take during pregnancy since it has not been associated with birth defects in fetuses. Therefore, it is safe to use if prescribed by a physician. Before beginning treatment with this medication, discuss the risks and benefits with your physician.

Is it safe to use this medication while nursing?

Tenormin 25 mg Tablet should not be administered to nursing mothers. Low levels of it pass into breast milk, putting your child at danger. However, before to utilizing this drug, see your physician.

When should it not be used?


Do not use Tenormin 25 mg Tablet if you are allergic to it. If you observe any signs of an allergic reaction, such as a rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat), severe dizziness, difficulty breathing, etc., you should seek immediate medical attention.

Shock caused by the heart

Cardiogenic shock is the inability of the heart to adequately pump blood to the organs. By lowering the volume of blood in your blood vessels, Tenormin 25 mg Tablet can cause serious side effects and consequences if you have this disease.

More than a first-degree heart block

The heartbeat is governed by electrical signals that force the heart muscle to contract and effectively pump blood. Heart block develops when these signals are slowed. First-, second-, and third-degree heart block are distinguished by the severity of the heart block. Tenormin 25 MG Tablet should not be used to treat heart block of the second or third degree that requires prompt medical attention.


When the heart beats less than sixty times per minute, the condition is known as bradycardia. It can lead to serious heart conditions, such as a heart attack. In certain circumstances, Tenormin 25 mg Tablet is contraindicated because it can cause your heart rate to slow even further, aggravating your condition and leading to other complications.

Decompensated heart failure is a form of heart failure that develops when the heart is not functioning properly.

Decompensated heart failure is a condition in which the heart’s structure deteriorates, rendering it incapable of pumping blood and/or maintaining normal blood pressure levels. Tenormin 25 mg Tablet can assist patients with decompensated heart failure in lowering their blood pressure further, which may demand immediate medical intervention.



Tenormin 25 mg Tablet is safe to take during pregnancy because it has not been associated with fetal birth defects. Therefore, it is safe to use if prescribed by a physician. Before beginning treatment with this medication, discuss the risks and benefits with your physician.


Tenormin 25 mg Tablet should not be administered to nursing mothers. Low levels of it pass into breast milk, putting your child at danger. However, before to utilizing this drug, see your physician.

General cautions

Managing or operating machinery

After using Tenormin 25 mg Tablet, some persons may suffer dizziness and fatigue. If you experience any of these side effects while taking this medication, it is recommended that you refrain from driving or using heavy machinery.

A major operation

If you are scheduled for significant surgery, you should use Tenormin 25 MG Tablet with caution. Your doctor may change the dosage of this medication to be given before and after the surgical procedure.


Hyperlipidaemia is a condition characterized by unusually high blood fat or cholesterol levels. Tenormin 25 mg Tablet may increase cholesterol levels in the blood. Utilize Tenormin 25 mg Tablet with caution if you have hyperlipidemia. If necessary, your physician may adjust the dosage of this medication.


While taking Tenormin 25 mg Tablet, athletes should refrain from engaging in particular activities. Archery, racing, and shooting are dangerous sports that should be avoided. Athletes should examine the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) list of prohibited drugs before competing in various sports.

Children’s use

Tenormin 25 mg Tablet is not recommended for children younger than 18 years old. If prescribed for children, care must be taken to ensure the correct dosage is administered. Inform your doctor if your child suffers from asthma or has liver or kidney problems.


Tenormin 25 MG Tablet may be used to treat symptoms such as a rapid or irregular heartbeat, anxiety, heat intolerance, or shivering in patients with extremely elevated thyroid levels. If you abruptly stop using this medication, you may get thyroid storm, a condition in which your body creates too many thyroid hormones. Therefore, therapy should be tapered off gradually over the course of one to two weeks under the guidance of a physician.

Dosage Erroneous Dose

If you forget to take a Tenormin 25 mg Tablet, take it as soon as you remember. If your next dose is due soon, you should skip the missed dose and take the next dose when it is due. Do not duplicate the dose to compensate for a missed one.


Never exceed the recommended dosage of Tenormin 25 mg Tablet. If you suspect you have taken an overdose of this drug, get immediate medical attention.

Every medication has a distinct interaction with each individual. Before taking any drug, discuss the potential adverse effects with your doctor.

Alcohol’s Interaction

Alcohol should not be combined with Tenormin 25 mg Tablet because it may induce symptoms such as extremely low blood pressure, headache, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, and/or changes in pulse or heart rate.

Medicine and Interaction




Diltiazem Diclofenac Ceritinib

Digitoxin Indomethacin

Interactions between diseases


Use Tenormin 25 mg Tablet with care if you have asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Utilization of Tenormin 25 mg Tablets can worsen breathing difficulties and respiratory sickness symptoms.


Glaucoma or excessive eye pressure develops when the nerve connecting the eye to the brain is damaged. Use Tenormin 25 MG Tablet with caution and under the supervision of your doctor if you have Glaucoma, as it may increase your risk of mydriasis (a condition in which the pupil of your eye gets widened due to increased eye pressure). If necessary, your physician may adjust the dosage of this medication.

Diabetes Tenormin 25 MG Tablet might assist diabetics in concealing the signs of low blood sugar. During treatment with this medication, your doctor may check your blood sugar levels.

Diseases of the kidneys

The kidneys filter Tenormin 25 mg Tablet and eliminate it in the urine. This medication should be used with caution if you have renal impairment, as it can accumulate in your kidneys and cause severe side effects. Your doctor may adjust the dosage of this medication and order tests to monitor your kidney function based on your clinical condition.

Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) is a form of vascular disease that affects the peripheral arteries.

Tenormin 25 mg Tablet decreases cardiac output through dilatation of blood vessels (amount of blood pumped by the heart). This could worsen the symptoms of peripheral vascular disease brought on by inadequate blood supply. Your doctor may propose tests to evaluate the health of your heart and, if necessary, adjust the dosage of this medication based on the results.

Interactions with food

Tenormin 25 mg Tablet should not be taken with multivitamins containing minerals, since the efficiency of this medication may be diminished. Tenormin 25 mg Tablet must be taken two hours prior to multivitamins with minerals.

The absorption of this medication is influenced by orange juice. Frequent use of orange juice while taking Tenormin 25 mg Tablet can impair its effectiveness.

Instructions for Use

Depending on your doctor’s instructions, you may take Tenormin 25 mg Tablet with or without food. Take this medication at the same time each day to help you remember it.

Do not stop using this medication without consulting your doctor first. Stopping this medication abruptly can result in more serious complications, such as a stroke or heart attack.

Tenormin 25 mg Tablet may mask the symptoms of diabetes, necessitating routine monitoring of blood glucose levels.

Contact your doctor if you experience negative side effects or headaches beyond the first week.

If you suddenly stand up, you may become tired and increase your risk of falling; therefore, it is advisable to do so slowly and with help.

After taking this medication, you should avoid driving or operating heavy machinery.

To achieve the best outcomes, you should combine this prescription with lifestyle adjustments such as a low-fat diet, regular exercise, and quitting smoking.

The medicine should not be accessible to children or animals. Do not use it after the expiration date has passed. Ensure that any unused medication is disposed of properly.


Depending on your physician’s instructions, you may take it with or without food.

Take as prescribed by your physician.

It has the potential to induce drowsiness.

How does it work?

Tenormin 25 mg Tablet functions by inhibiting beta receptors, hence increasing heart rate and contraction strength. As a result, your heart will beat more slowly and with less force. Additionally, it reduces blood pressure and heart stress.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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