TENORIC 50 MG 10 Tablets


Brand Name:  Tenoric

Name:   Chlorthalidone (50 mg) + Atenolol (50 mg) (12.5 mg)

Strength:  Chlorthalidone (50 mg) + Atenolol (50 mg) (12.5 mg)

Pills per order:   10  Tablets

Production Company:   IPCA Laboratories  

Used for:   For high blood pressure management

Tenoric 50 mg

IPCA LABORATORIES PVT LTD manufactures the product.

Chlorthalidone (50 mg) + Atenolol (50 mg) (12.5 mg)

Description for Tenoric 50 mg

Tenoric 50 mg Tablet is a combination medication used to treat hypertension. Frequent monitoring of blood pressure and electrolyte levels is required throughout therapy with this medication. For optimal outcomes, patients are urged to combine this medication with a strict exercise and diet regimen.

Negative effects of Tenoric 50 mg

Tenoric 50 mg Tablet contains both significant and insignificant side effects.

Vision is hazy

Breathing difficulties


Hands or feet that are cold


Pain in the chest


Urination frequency decreases

Thirst increases

Appetite loss.

Sleeping problems


Blood pressure is really low.



Vomiting or nausea


Tenoric 50 mg Tablet’s Applications

What is the purpose of it?

Essential hypertension is a disorder characterized by elevated blood pressure.

Concerns for Tenoric 50 mg

Questions often asked about 50 mg Tenoric

How long does it take for this therapy to begin working?

The impact of this medication may be observed within one hour of administration.

How long do the effects of this medication last?

On average, this medication’s effects persist between 24 and 72 hours.

Can alcohol be used while taking this medication?

Due to the increased risk of dizziness, fainting, extremely low blood pressure, changes in pulse rate, and other adverse effects, it is not recommended to consume alcohol while taking this medication. If you consume alcohol while taking this medication, you should avoid engaging in activities that need a high level of mental acuity, such as driving or operating heavy machinery.

Is this an addictive substance?

No indicators of habit development were present.

Is the use of this medicine during pregnancy safe?

Women who are pregnant should not use this medication unless absolutely necessary. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. Depending on your clinical condition, your physician may recommend a safer option.

Is it safe to use this medication while nursing?

Unless absolutely necessary, nursing mothers should not use this medication. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. Depending on your clinical condition, your physician may recommend a safer option.

When should Tenoric 50 mg not be used?


Patients with known allergies to chlorthalidone, other sulfonamides, atenolol, other beta-blockers, or any of the formulation’s inactive ingredients should not use this drug.

Shock caused by the heart

Due to the higher risk of worsening the patient’s state, this medication is not recommended for cardiogenic shock patients.

More than a first-degree heart block

Due to the increased risk of patient deterioration, this medication is contraindicated for patients with heart block of a degree greater than first.

Bradycardia of the Sinus

This medicine is not recommended for people with sinus bradycardia, since it may exacerbate their condition.

Uncompensated cardiac failure is a disorder characterized by sudden heart failure.

This medication is not recommended for patients with uncompensated heart failure since it may worsen their condition.

Pneumonia with severe edema

This medicine is contraindicated for individuals with severe pulmonary edema due to its increased risk of significant adverse effects.


Patients suffering from anuria, a condition in which the kidneys are incapable of producing urine, should not use this drug.

Severe liver disease

Due to the increased risk of serious adverse effects, this medication is contraindicated for patients with severe liver impairment.

Renal impairment that is severe

This medication is contraindicated in patients with severe renal impairment (CrCl 30 ml/min) due to the increased risk of serious adverse effects.

Warnings for Tenoric 50 mg


Women who are pregnant should not use this medication unless absolutely necessary. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. Depending on your clinical condition, your physician may recommend a safer option.


Unless absolutely necessary, nursing mothers should not use this medication. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. Depending on your clinical condition, your physician may recommend a safer option.

General warnings for 50 mg Tenoric

Insufficiency of the heart

This medicine can induce heart failure and reduced blood flow in patients with cardiac conditions. The cardiac function of such patients should be constantly monitored. Depending on the clinical scenario, dosage adjustments or substitution with a suitable alternative may be necessary.

a major operation

This medicine should be administered with caution to patients scheduled for major surgery. To lessen the impact on the heart, a somewhat negative inotropic anesthetic should be used.

Lung Illness

This medication should be used with care in individuals with lung difficulties who have not responded to traditional antihypertensive medications. Start with the least dose possible and progressively increase it based on the patient’s condition. In certain instances, depending on the clinical condition, a suitable substitution may be necessary.


Certain activities should be avoided by athletes while using this drug. Archery, racing, and shooting are dangerous activities that should be avoided. Athletes can examine the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) list of prohibited medications before competing in various sporting events.


Patients with increased thyroid levels should use this medication with care. This medicine might trigger a life-threatening condition known as thyroid storm if it is abruptly discontinued. The thyroid hormone levels of such people should be checked routinely. Depending on the clinical scenario, dosage adjustments or substitution with a suitable alternative may be necessary.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Due to the increased risk of serious adverse effects, individuals with liver disorders should use this medication with great caution. While using this drug, it is advised that you closely monitor your liver function. Any signs of disorientation or jaundice should be reported immediately to your doctor. Depending on the clinical scenario, dosage adjustments or substitution with a suitable alternative may be necessary.

Disturbances in volume and electrolytes

This drug may impact the blood volume and electrolyte balance of some persons. Possible adverse effects include dizziness, dry mouth, and acid-base imbalance. This danger is especially substantial for individuals with renal or liver disease. These patients’ blood pressure and electrolyte levels should be constantly checked. Depending on the clinical scenario, dosage adjustments or substitution with a suitable alternative may be necessary.

Kidney Illness

Due to the increased risk of the patient’s condition deteriorating, those with a known history of renal diseases should use this medication with caution. The renal function of such patients should be constantly monitored. Depending on the clinical scenario, dosage adjustments or substitution with a suitable alternative may be necessary.

Operating or driving machinery

Some individuals may develop drowsiness or vertigo after using this drug. If you have any of these symptoms, you should avoid engaging in activities that require a high level of mental acuity, such as driving or operating heavy machinery, while taking this medication.

Child-Related This medication is not recommended for children under the age of 18, since its safety and efficacy have not been clinically established.

Dosage for Tenoric 50 mg

Dose Missed

When you recall, take the missing dosage immediately. If your next scheduled dosage is imminent, skip the missed dose. Do not take a double dosage to compensate for a missing dose.


In the event of an overdose, seek immediate medical care or contact a physician.

Every medication has a distinct interaction with each individual. Before taking any drug, discuss the potential adverse effects with your doctor.

Alcohol’s Interaction

Due to the increased risk of dizziness, fainting, extremely low blood pressure, changes in pulse rate, and other adverse effects, it is not recommended to consume alcohol while taking this medication. If you consume alcohol while taking this medication, you should avoid engaging in activities that need a high level of mental acuity, such as driving or operating heavy machinery.

Medicine and Interaction for Tenoric 50 mg

Insulin Alprazolam



Cisapride Theophylline

Diltiazem Lithium Diclofenac

Inter-disease interactions for Tenoric 50 mg


Due to the increased risk of the patient’s condition deteriorating, those with a history of asthma should not use this medication. Under the guidance of your physician, an appropriate replacement should be examined.

AV Block/Bradyarrhythmia

Due to the increased risk of aggravating the patient’s condition, this medication is contraindicated in individuals with Sinus Bradyarrhythmia or heart block of a degree greater than first. Depending on the clinical circumstances, an appropriate substitute may be necessary.

Glaucoma Patients with glaucoma should use this medication with caution since it might reduce intraocular pressure and worsen the disease. Depending on the clinical scenario, dosage adjustments or substitution with a suitable alternative may be necessary.


Due to the increased risk of changed blood sugar levels, this medication should be administered with extreme caution to patients with diabetes mellitus. The blood sugar levels of such individuals should be constantly checked. Depending on the clinical scenario, dosage adjustments or substitution with a suitable alternative may be necessary.


This medicine should be administered with caution to pheochromocytoma patients due to the increased risk of deterioration of their condition. Under the guidance of your physician, necessary dosage adjustments or substitution with a suitable alternative should be explored.


Because this medication lowers uric acid excretion, people with hyperuricemia should use it with care. This may have serious repercussions. Any dosage changes or substitution with an appropriate alternative should be undertaken under the guidance of your physician.


This drug should be taken with caution in people with hyperlipidemia since it can increase cholesterol and triglyceride levels. These individuals’ cholesterol and triglyceride levels should be constantly monitored. In some cases, depending on the clinical condition, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage or replace the medication with a suitable alternative.

Food interactions with Tenoric 50 mg

The use of a multivitamin with minerals and this combination medication should be avoided, as it may diminish the efficiency of the treatment. To prevent interactions, at least 2 hours should pass between the administration of a multivitamin with minerals and this combo medication.

Large quantities of orange juice should be avoided when taking this medication, since it may diminish its efficacy.

Use Directions for Tenoric 50 mg

Follow your physician’s directions for administering this medicine. Do not exceed or decrease the dosage advised. To prevent sleep disruptions, this medication should be taken throughout the day. Make sure you’re receiving enough water. During treatment with this drug, you should monitor your kidney function and electrolyte levels. Any adverse effects should be reported immediately to your doctor. Do not discontinue this medicine without first seeing your physician.

Miscellaneous for Tenoric 50 mg

Can be taken with or without meals, according on your doctor’s instructions.

It has the potential to induce drowsiness.

How does it work?

Atenolol relaxes blood vessels and reduces heart rate, enabling blood to easily circulate. Chlorthalidone increases water and salt excretion by the kidneys. Therefore, their combination is advantageous for decreasing blood pressure.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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