SLIM TRIM ACTIVE 120MG Orlistat 10 Tablets


Brand Name:  Slim Trim Active

Name:  Orlistat 

Strength: 120  mg

Pills per order:  10  Pills

Production Company:  Cadila Pharma 

Used for:   Obesity, anti-obesity, weight loss

Slim Trim Active 120 mg

The medicine Slim Trim Active 120 mg is used to treat obesity.

Slim Trim Active 120 mg belongs to the class of anti-obesity medications intended to treat obesity and promote weight loss. Slim Trim Active 120 mg should be taken alongside a low-calorie diet and regular physical activity. Obesity is a frequent ailment defined by excess body fat, which increases the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, certain cancers, and heart disease. When you consume more calories than you burn via exercise or regular activities, you are obese.

Slim Trim Active 120 mg contains Orlistat, a fat-blocking drug that inhibits enzymes from breaking down fat that is absorbed by the body in the small intestine and stomach. Slim Trim Active 120 mg works by inhibiting the absorption of fat from food. This prevents the body from using fat as an energy source or turning it into fat tissue. In this manner, Slim Trim Active 120 mg assists weight loss.

Slim Trim Active 120 mg should be used for as long as your physician advises based on your medical condition. Possible symptoms include soft stools, sudden bowel movements, flatulence (gas) with or without greasy spots, oily or fatty stools, stomach pain, stool incontinence (unintentional feces leakage), and runny or liquid stools. The majority of negative effects associated with Slim Trim Active 120 mg do not necessitate medical attention and diminish with time. If the bad effects persist, please consult a physician.

Please let your physician know if you are allergic to Slim Trim Active 120 mg or any other medications. Avoid Slim Trim Active 120 mg if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, since it may harm the fetus. It is unknown whether Slim Trim Active 120 mg is secreted in human milk. If you are a nursing mother, please consult a physician. Children under the age of 18 should not take Slim Trim Active 120 mg, since its safety and efficacy have not been established. It is recommended that you take a multivitamin containing fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K before bed since Slim Trim Active 120 mg may decrease the absorption of some vitamins in the body.

Slim Trim Active 120 mg is a weight loss and obesity treatment.

Slim Trim Active 120 mg

Medicinal Advantages

Orligal 120 mg contains orlistat, an anti-obesity medication used to treat obesity and aid in weight loss. Slim Trim Active 120 mg inhibits the activity of enzymes responsible for fat digestion in the small intestine and stomach. Slim Trim Active 120 mg works by inhibiting the absorption of fat from food. This prevents the body from using fat as an energy source or turning it into fat tissue. Therefore, Slim Trim Active 120 mg aids weight loss and reduces the risk of serious health problems.

Use Instructions

According to your doctor’s instructions, you may take Slim Trim Active 120 mg just before, during, or up to 1 hour after meals. For optimal results, swallow the capsule with a full glass of water daily at the same time. It should not be crushed, chewed, or broken.


Place in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.

Slim Trim Active 120 mg  Side Effects




Appetite loss.

Stools that are soft

Urinary incontinence

With or without greasy spots, flatulence (gas)

Stools that are oily or fatty

Stool incontinence Stomach ache (involuntary leakage of stools)

Stools that are runny or liquid

Urine that is dark in color

Precautions and Warnings

Inform your physician if you are allergic to Orlistat or any other drugs. Consult a physician prior to using Orlistat if you suffer from cholestasis (limited bile flow from the liver), chronic malabsorption syndrome, anorexia or bulimia (eating disorders), thyroid disease, diabetes, or kidney or liver issues. Avoid using Orlistat if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, as it may harm the fetus. It does not appear that orlistat is excreted in human milk. If you are a nursing mother, please consult a physician. Orlistat is not recommended for children younger than 18 years old since its safety and efficacy have not been established. Use Orlistat in conjunction with regular exercise and a low-fat, low-calorie diet for optimal results. If you experience severe diarrhea while using Orlistat, the effectiveness of your oral contraceptive may be diminished. Utilize extra contraceptive methods to avoid conception under these conditions. It is recommended that you take a multivitamin containing fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K before bed because Orlistat may inhibit the absorption of some vitamins in the body.

Interactions Between Drugs

Orlistat may interact with immunosuppressants (ciclosporin), blood thinners (warfarin), anti-diabetes medications (acarbose), thyroid meds (levothyroxine), heart rhythm medications (amiodarone), anticonvulsants (lamotrigine), and HIV/AIDS treatments (lamotrigine) (atazanavir).

Avoid high-fat foods like butter, steak, dark chocolate, olive oil, and nuts and seeds (brazil nuts) when taking Orlistat, as they may increase the risk of stomach or intestinal adverse effects.

Consult a physician prior to using Orlistat if you suffer from cholestasis (limited bile flow from the liver), chronic malabsorption syndrome, anorexia or bulimia (eating disorders), thyroid disease, diabetes, or kidney or liver issues.

Safety Suggestions


Uncertain is Orlistat’s interaction with alcohol. Consult your doctor before drinking alcohol while taking Orlistat.


Orlistat is a pregnancy Category X medicine that pregnant women should avoid since it may harm the fetus. Please with your doctor before using Orlistat if you are pregnant or intend to become pregnant.


There is no evidence that orlistat is excreted in human milk. Therefore, it is only administered to nursing mothers if the physician considers the advantages outweigh the risks.


Orlistat often does not impede a person’s ability to drive or operate machinery.


If you have a history of liver disease or disorder, use Orlistat with caution. If necessary, your doctor may modify the dosage.


If you have a history of renal disease or disorder, you should use Orlistat with caution. Orlistat may cause kidney stones in patients with chronic renal failure. Please consult a physician if you have renal problems so that your dose can be changed as necessary.

No habit formation

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

Follow a diet low in fat. It is preferred to consume skim milk and fat-free or low-fat dairy products.

Red meat should be substituted with lean foods like salmon and chicken.

Consume a diet abundant in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and entire grains.

Avoid eating fried foods, fast food, instant food, pasta, burgers, noodles, and cookies.

The body stores excess sugar as fat, so restrict your sugar intake.

Instead of missing meals to reduce weight, have nutritious meals.

Engage in regular activity for at least 20 to 30 minutes per day, such as swimming, cycling, walking, or dancing.

Don’t drink alcoholic beverages.


Certain blood tests are required to monitor kidney and liver function when using Orlistat.

Orlistat may influence blood sugar levels; therefore, continuous monitoring of blood sugar levels is necessary.

Additional Information: This item is non-refundable.

Glossary of Diseases and Conditions

Obesity is a frequent ailment characterized by excess body fat, which increases the risk of diabetes, hypertension, certain cancers, and heart disease. When you consume more calories than you burn via exercise or regular activities, you are obese. Obesity is caused by insufficient sleep, aging, pregnancy, inheritance, hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland), and polycystic ovary syndrome (imbalance of female reproductive hormones). In addition to diet and exercise, medication is used to treat obesity.


Slim Trim Active 120 mg contains Orlistat, which inhibits the function of fat-breaking enzymes in the small intestine and stomach to reduce fat absorption by the body. Orlistat prevents the absorption of fat from the food you consume. This prevents the body from using fat as an energy source or turning it into fat tissue. As a result, Orlistat facilitates weight loss.

Orlistat should not be combined with ciclosporin (a medication used to treat organ transplant rejection and severe rheumatoid arthritis), since it may reduce the effectiveness of ciclosporin. If both prescriptions must be taken, it is recommended that ciclosporin be taken 3 hours after Orlistat. Consult your doctor before combining Orlistat with other drugs.

Orlistat may cause kidney stones in patients with chronic renal failure. Please with your physician before to using Orlistat if you have a renal condition.

Orlistat should be administered with caution to diabetics because it raises the risk of low blood sugar levels. Inform your doctor if you have diabetes before using Orlistat so that your anti-diabetic medication dose can be adjusted appropriately.

It is advised to avoid high-fat foods such as butter, bacon, dark chocolate, olive oil, nuts and seeds (particularly Brazil nuts) when using Orlistat, as they may increase the risk of stomach or intestinal troubles.

Orlistat should be used for as long as advised by a physician. However, Orlistat should not be taken for longer than six months at a time. If you have not lost weight after 12 weeks of using Orlistat, you should consult a physician.

You should take a multivitamin containing fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K at night, or at least two hours after taking Orlistat. In general, orlistat reduces the body’s absorption of some vitamins. Consequently, your physician may advise you to take multivitamins.

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