ROZAVEL F 10 MG 10 tablets


Brand Name:  Rozavel



Pills per order:  10 tablets

Production Company:   Sun Pharmaceutical

Used for:  Lipid-lowering agent used to lowers an increased level of total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) level.

Rozavel F 

Rozavel F is a type of lipid-lowering medicine used to reduce high total cholesterol (TC) and triglyceride levels (TG). This decreases the probability of future cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, and chest pain associated with the heart (angina). An increase in bad cholesterol (low-density lipoprotein -LDL and triglycerides – TG) is responsible for the accumulation of fat, cholesterol, and other waxy substances in the lining of the arteries, which forms a plaque (coronary arteries). As a result, an individual’s risk of blood clots and heart attacks increases.

In Rozavel F, both Rosuvastatin (statin) and Fenofibrate are present (fibric acid derivative). By inhibiting the body’s production of ‘bad’ cholesterol, rosuvastatin reduces blood levels of increased lipids such as cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing ‘good’ cholesterol levels (HDL). It also enhances the body’s ability to eliminate the substance. Fenofibrate, on the other hand, acts by decreasing blood triglyceride levels.

Rozavel F can be administered either with or without food. With a glass of water, it must be finished in its entirety. It must not be chewed, broken, or bit. The frequency with which you should take your prescriptions will be determined by your doctor based on your medical condition. Possible adverse effects include nausea, headaches, stomach pain, muscle tightness, weakness, and daytime drowsiness. The majority of unwanted effects of Rozavel F do not require medical treatment and diminish with time. However, if the bad effects persist, visit a physician.

Regular testing of your cholesterol and triglyceride levels (lipid profile) is necessary. This drug is only one component of a comprehensive treatment strategy that also includes a low-fat diet, regular exercise, cessation of smoking, moderate alcohol use, and weight loss. Normal eating is permitted while taking this drug, although fatty meals should be avoided. In addition, if you have renal difficulties, if you are pregnant or nursing, or if you are diabetic, please inform your doctor before beginning Rozavel F. (as you need to monitor your sugar level regularly).

Rozavel F is used to treat hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia, and mixed dyslipidemia.

Medicinal Advantages

Rozavel F is used to treat Hypertriglyceridemia, Hypercholesterolemia, and Mixed Dyslipidemia (elevated triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, and low levels of high-density lipoprotein). Rosuvastatin increases the uptake and breakdown of LDL (bad cholesterol) by liver cells. Then, it suppresses the liver’s production of very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), hence decreasing the total amount of dangerous cholesterols (LDL and VLDL). Fenofibrate increases the activity of an enzyme (a naturally occurring substance) that breaks down blood fats and lipids. Additionally, Fenofibrate reduces increased uric acid levels by increasing uric acid excretion via urine. It is also used to diabetics with high lipid and cholesterol levels to lower cardiovascular risks such as heart attack, stroke, and chest pain associated with the heart (angina).

Use Instructions

As prescribed by your physician, you may take Rozavel F with or without food. It is advisable to take it at a particular time.

Place in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.

Rozavel F Side Effects

Everyone does not have to endure the above negative effects. Consult a doctor if you encounter any discomfort. The most common adverse effects of Rozavel F are nausea, headache, abdominal pain, muscle pain (myalgia), general weakness, daytime drowsiness, and abnormal liver tests. Everyone does not have to endure the above negative effects. Consult your physician if you have any discomfort.

Drug Recommendations

Long-term statin use has been associated with severe musculoskeletal problems such as myopathy and rhabdomyolysis. Muscle pain, muscle weakness, stomach discomfort, nausea, headache, and asthenia are the most common adverse effects of rosuvastatin use (general unexplained weakness). It should be provided with caution and only after consulting a physician, as elderly patients are more likely to experience muscle issues. Rosuvastatin is a medicine under pregnancy category X that contains rosuvastatin (high risk to both pregnant mother and fetus). Therefore, pregnant or nursing mothers should not use it. Rosuvastatin also passes through breast milk, but its safety and efficacy are unknown, thus nursing mothers should avoid it. Rosuvastatin should be avoided in all kidney disease patients and administered with caution in all liver disease patients. Rosuvastatin should not be used with alcohol since it causes liver damage. Fenofibrate, which is a component of rosuvastatin, is contraindicated in patients with gallstones because it induces an increase in cholesterol in the bile, leading to cholelithiasis.

Interactions Between Drugs

Rosuvastatin has been observed to interact with immune system suppressants (cyclosporine), bile suppressants (niacin, gemfibrozil, bile acid resin), anti-HIV drugs (lopinavir, ritonavir, atazanavir, ritonavir, tipranavir/ritonavir, fosamprenavir/ritonavir), anti-coagulants (coumadin, warfarin), and anti (colchicine). Consult your physician before to commencing Rosuvastatin if you are on any of these drugs.

While using Rosuvastatin, it is advised to avoid consuming high-fat/lipid-containing foods and beverages, such as processed foods, packaged foods, pastries, cookies, cakes, and alcoholic beverages (beer).

Rosuvastatin should not be used to treat liver diseases such biliary cirrhosis (fatty liver disease), gallstones (cholelithiasis), kidney disease, or muscle diseases like myopathy or rhabdomyolysis.

Safety Suggestions


To avoid unpleasant side effects such as fatigue, dizziness, and drowsiness, alcoholic beverages should not be used when taking Rosuvastatin. Combining it with excessive amounts of alcohol can result in a life-threatening condition known as coma.


The medication rosuvastatin is present in Rosuvastatin is a pregnancy category X medicine that can have adverse effects on both the pregnant woman and the fetus (fetus). Therefore, it is better to avoid it and see a physician before taking Rosuvastatin. Before prescribing it to you, your physician will weigh the benefits and potential risks.


Rosuvastatin is known to enter breast milk, posing a risk to the infant’s health. However, it is still unknown whether or not it will be harmful. Therefore, it should only be used when prescribed by a physician.


Typically, rosuvastatin has little influence on a person’s ability to drive.


Use rosuvastatin with caution, especially if you have a history of liver disease. Your physician may need to adjust the dosage.


Use rosuvastatin with caution if you have a history of renal disease or if you are undergoing dialysis. Your physician may need to adjust the dosage. Rosuvastatin can produce abnormalities in liver enzymes with prolonged use.

No habit formation

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

Typically, rosuvastatin is used in conjunction with regular exercise and a low-fat diet to reduce blood fat levels. The medicine rosuvastatin is effective when paired with a low-cholesterol diet and regular exercise. It is recommended that, for a speedy recovery, you avoid alcohol and processed foods from outside sources, stick to freshly prepared home-cooked meals, and obtain sufficient rest. In addition, replacing the majority of your saturated fats with unsaturated fats will quickly reduce your total and LDL cholesterol. Avocados, olive oil, fatty salmon, and almonds are rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fats; hence, consuming them everyday is beneficial. Regular exercise strengthens the heart and reduces the risk of heart attack.


To assess whether Rosuvastatin is working, you should undergo a lipid profile test every six months. This test should measure your total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), LDL, HDL, VLDL, and HDL levels.

Your physician may advise you to undergo certain tests to check your enzyme levels while you are on medication.

Other details: This item is non-refundable.

Concerns of Patients

Hyperlipidemia is a condition in which the body contains an excessive amount of lipids (or fats), such as cholesterol and triglycerides (TG). Hypercholesterolemia is a form of hyperlipidemia characterized by an excess of low-density lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) and a deficiency of high-density lipoprotein in the blood (good cholesterol). This disease increases the risk of heart blockage and other blood clot concerns by causing fat to accumulate on the inner lining of the heart’s arteries.


Rosuvastatin should not be taken with fusidic acid since it may induce muscle weakness, discomfort, and pain. Consult your physician before taking Rosuvastatin and fusidic acid together.

Use of rosuvastatin can result in muscle pain (myalgia) and long-term complications such as rhabdomyolysis and myopathy. In addition, please contact your physician if you experience prolonged muscle weakness.

Rosuvastatin can be taken at any time of day, with or without meals. It is advisable to take it at a particular time.

Rosuvastatin might produce fatigue because it reduces the supply of energy to the body’s muscles. People with heart or liver diseases who take Rosuvastatin feel more weary. If you experience fatigue while taking Rosuvastatin, consult your physician.

Rosuvastatin does not make you gain weight. If you experience weight gain while taking Rosuvastatin, consult your physician.

In rare instances, rosuvastatin might cause liver damage. Before taking Rosuvastatin, patients with an underlying liver illness or a history of liver impairment should exercise caution and inform their doctor so that the dose can be adjusted accordingly.

Even if you are feeling better, you should not stop taking rosuvastatin, as doing so will worsen your health. Please see your doctor and follow his or her directions if you feel better.

Rosuvastatin is additionally used to treat diabetic dyslipidemia (high cholesterol and lipid in diabetes). However, you should see a physician prior to starting Rosuvastatin.

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