OLEANZ 10 MG 10 Tablets


Brand Name:  Oleanz 

Name:  Olanzapine 

Strength:   10 mg

Pills per order:  10 tablets

Production Company:  Sun Pharmaceuticals

Used for:   Atypical antipsychotics primarily used to treat schizophrenia and manic depression (bipolar disorder)

Oleanz 10

Oleanz 10 is an atypical antipsychotic medicine, which is primarily used to treat schizophrenia and manic depression (bipolar disorder). Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which a person experiences feelings, hears or sees things that aren’t there (hallucinations), believes things that aren’t real, and feels suspicious or confused in unusual situations. Binge eating disorder, also known as manic depression or bipolar disorder, is a serious brain ailment characterized by significant mood swings (variations in thinking) and frequent mood and behavioral changes.

Oleanz 10 contains the chemical messenger olanzapine, which acts by restoring the normal balance of chemical messengers (dopamine and serotonin) in the brain. It improves thinking, disposition, and behavior. Oleanz 10 enhances clarity of thought and decreases hallucinations. Oleanz 10 provides treatment for manic episodes of bipolar disorder and agitation in schizophrenia.

Oleanz 10 should be administered precisely as prescribed by your doctor. Your doctor will select the dose and duration of treatment in the case of a medical emergency based on your medical condition and response to treatment. The adverse effects of Oleanz 10 include drowsiness, dizziness, restlessness, tremors/shaking, stomach trouble, dry mouth, constipation, increased hunger, weariness, decreased libido, swelling of the hands or feet, and weight gain. Additionally, Oleanz 10 is linked to increased hunger, lethargy, and decreased libido. These detrimental effects are not widely known and vary from individual to individual. If you encounter uncontrollable unpleasant effects, you should contact your doctor immediately.

It is not recommended that Oleanz 10 be administered to patients with dementia-related psychosis. Before using this drug, inform your doctor if you have ever had an adverse reaction to Olanzapine, Alzheimer’s disease, liver or kidney disease, heart problems, breathing difficulties, high cholesterol, glaucoma, diabetes, breast cancer, an enlarged prostate, or fits. Before commencing Oleanz 10 medication, you should inform your physician if you are pregnant, plan to become pregnant, or are a breastfeeding mother. Consuming alcohol while taking Oleanz 10 is not advised because it can cause dizziness and drowsiness. Because Oleanz 10 may cause drowsiness, you should avoid driving or operating heavy machinery while taking it. Oleanz 10 is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.

Oleanz 10 is used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (bipolar disorder).


Advantages in terms of medicine

Antipsychotic medicine Oleanz 10 is used to treat schizophrenia and manic depression (bipolar disorder). With this medicine, manic episodes of bipolar disorder and agitation in schizophrenia are well managed. It contains the antipsychotic medicine Olanzapine, which belongs to the atypicals class. Restoring a proper balance of chemical messengers (dopamine and serotonin) in the brain’s communication pathways is how this treatment works. Additionally, it has cognitive, emotional, and behavioral advantages. It facilitates clear thinking and alleviates psychotic symptoms including hallucinations and delusions.

Description of How to Utilize

Oleanz 10 should be administered precisely as prescribed by your doctor. Your doctor will establish the proper dose and length of treatment based on your medical condition. This drug may be used with or without food, as directed by your physician. Tablets that dissolve rapidly/tablets that melt in the mouth: Do not touch these pills with wet hands. When placed on the tongue, these pills disintegrate rapidly. Take the pill and lay it on the palate. Allow the mixture to disperse/dissolve in your mouth before swallowing. In this instance, taking these tablets with water is unnecessary. Tablet/Capsule: Swallow the tablet/capsule whole with a full glass of water. Depending on your physician’s instructions, you may take it with or without food at regular intervals. It should not be broken, crushed, or chewed. Injection: The injection form will be administered by a trained medical professional; do not attempt self-administration.


Place in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.

Oleanz 10 Side Effects





Discomfort within the abdomen

a sensation of having a dry mouth


Enhanced urge to consume


The libido has decreased.

Hand and foot swelling is typical.

Weight gain is problematic.

Drug Warnings and Advisories

According to current recommendations, olanzapine should not be administered to patients with dementia-related psychosis. Before beginning treatment with Olanzapine, please inform your doctor of any allergic reactions, liver or kidney disease, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, heart problems, breathing problems, high cholesterol, glaucoma, diabetes, constipation, breathing problems during sleep (sleep apnea), low white blood cell count, breast cancer, enlarged prostate, or seizures. Before using this drug if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, you should consult with your doctor. Olanzapine is not recommended for usage while breastfeeding. Alcohol use may increase the probability of having negative side effects such as dizziness and sleepiness. Because Olanzapine may impair your mental acuity and cause you to feel dizzy or drowsy, you should not drive or operate heavy machinery while taking it. Olanzapine is contraindicated in children younger than 12 years old since its safety and efficacy have not been proved.

Drug Interactions occur frequently.

Oleanz 10 may interact with opioid pain relievers (codeine, hydrocodone), anti-anxiety medications (alprazolam, lorazepam, zolpidem), muscle relaxants (carisoprodol, cyclobenzaprine), anti-allergic medications (cetirizine), cold medicines (diphenhydramine), stomach emptying medicines (metoclopramide), and antidepressants (escitalopram) (quetiapine).

Do not consume alcoholic beverages while taking Olanzapine because it may exacerbate dizziness and sleepiness.

Prior to taking Olanzapine, you should discuss possible drug-disease interactions with your doctor if you have any of the following medical conditions: allergic reactions; liver or kidney diseases; Alzheimer’s disease; dementia; heart problems; breathing problems; high cholesterol; glaucoma; diabetes; bowel problems; sleep apnea; low white blood cell count; breast cancer; an enlarged prostate; or fits. In the case of psychosis related to dementia, olanzapine is contraindicated.

Precautionary Recommendations


While taking Olanzapine, it is advised that alcoholic beverages be avoided. Consuming alcohol while taking Olanzapine may exacerbate symptoms of dizziness and sleepiness. For additional information, please consult your physician or healthcare provider.


Olanzapine is listed as a pregnancy category C drug. In the past, the use of antipsychotic drugs during the third trimester of pregnancy has been associated with muscle problems in newborns. Before taking Olanzapine, pregnant or intending-to-be pregnant women should consult with their physician. Before determining whether to prescribe Olanzapine, you and your physician will discuss the drug’s risks and benefits.


Because olanzapine is secreted in breast milk, it is not recommended for breastfeeding mothers. If you are a breastfeeding mother, you should consult your physician prior to using Olanzapine.


Depending on the dosage, olanzapine may cause dizziness or sleepiness. Do not drive if you are not cognitively alert or if you are experiencing symptoms that affect your ability to drive or operate machinery.


In patients with liver illness, it may be required to adjust the dosage of the drug. Please consult your doctor if you have any concerns about your liver or if you have a liver impairment.


Consult your physician before to taking Olanzapine if you have a major renal condition or impairment. There may be a need to adjust the dosage.

There is no habit forming.

Diet and Lifestyle Suggestions

A healthy weight can be maintained by consuming a balanced diet.

Regular exercise can aid in preventing cognitive decline and volume loss in the brain.

Avoid the use of cigarette products and alcoholic beverages.

Meditation and yoga can help you relax and manage stress.

Include fruits and vegetables in your diet because they contain antioxidants.

Consume nutritious foods because they promote mental stimulation.

Reduce your consumption of cholesterol- and saturated-fat-rich foods.

Reduce your sugar, salt, and processed food consumption.

Be sure to consume plenty of water.

A healthy lifestyle is essential since it contributes to the enhancement of overall health and may even protect the brain.

Special Recommendation

Inform your doctor if you are scheduled to undergo any medical testing while taking Olanzapine.

Patients receiving Olanzapine have experienced weight increase; therefore, it is essential to regularly monitor your weight.

Patients taking this medicine have also been shown to develop high blood pressure; consult your doctor to determine the best course of action.

While taking Olanzapine, it is essential that you often test your blood glucose levels.

Regular monitoring of the patient’s cholesterol/triglyceride levels and Prolactin hormone levels is advised while using this drug.

Due to the nature of this product, it cannot be returned.

Patients’ Preoccupation

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which, among other symptoms, a person has hallucinations, hears or feels things that are not present, believes things that are not true, and feels suspicious or confused. Possible effects include hallucinations, delusions, mental issues, movement difficulties, disorganized thinking, loss of interest, and absence of emotions. Physical, genetic, psychological, and environmental factors all contribute to the occurrence of schizophrenia. This disease may require patients to receive treatment for the remainder of their lives. The patient is treated with a combination of medications, counseling, and support services.

Manic depression (bipolar disorder) is a serious brain ailment characterized by unusual mood fluctuations (mood swings) and frequent changes in behavior and thought. Bipolar disorder is another term for manic depression.


Oleanz 10 contains Olanzapine, which functions by restoring the balance of chemical messengers in the brain, such as dopamine and serotonin, resulting in enhanced mood, behavior, and cognitive processes.

If you have a history of allergic reactions, liver or kidney disease (including kidney failure), heart problems (including heart failure), breathing problems (including asthma), Alzheimer’s disease, high cholesterol (including high cholesterol), glaucoma, diabetes, stomach/intestinal problems, breathing problems during sleep (sleep apnea), low white blood cell count, breast cancer, an enlarged prostate, or fits, you should use Olanzapine with caution. Before commencing therapy with Olanzapine, please advise your physician of any new medical conditions.

Olanzapine may reduce perspiration and raise the risk of heart attack. Therefore, it is advised to limit activities that can cause overheating, such as exercising in hot weather and using hot tubs. Consume copious amounts of fluids and dress casually.

Olanzapine is capable of causing dizziness. It is recommended that you avoid suddenly rising from a seated or lying position, as doing so can create dizziness.

Orthostatic hypotension is a possible adverse effect of olanzapine (sudden lowering in blood pressure leading to dizziness on standing). If you are experiencing this, it is recommended that you lie down and slowly rise from your bed. Those who use Olanzapine are advised to monitor their blood pressure regularly in order to avoid such unpleasant occurrences. Rarely, this medicine may cause a condition known as tardive dyskinesia, which is characterized by involuntary facial movements (lips, mouth, tongue, arms, and legs).

Additional information

Chemical Name


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