MEBEX 100 MG 6 Tablets


Brand Name:  Mebex 

Name:  Mebendazole

Strength:   100 mg 

Pills per order:  6  tablets

Production Company:   Cipla 

Used for:   A broad-spectrum antiparasitic medicine used in the prevention and treatment of parasitic infections caused by tapeworms, pinworms, and hookworms


Cipla Ltd. produces Mebex 100 mg Tablets containing Mebendazole.


The antiparasitic medicine Mebex 100 mg Tablet is used to prevent and treat parasitic diseases caused by tapeworms, pinworms, and hookworms. It is especially effective against parasitic infections of the stomach and intestine.

Lupin Ltd.’s Mebex 100 mg Tablet Lupimeb 100 mg Tablet Lupin Ltd.’s Mebex 100 mg Tablet Lupimeb 100 mg Tablet Lupin Ltd.’s Mebex 100 mg Tablet Lup

Wormin 100 mg Tablet by Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Mebex 100 mg Tablet has both significant and insignificant side effects.


Pain and discomfort in the stomach

Vomiting and Nausea

Appetite loss.

Breathing difficulties

Chills and fever

Swallowing difficulties

Skin peeling and blistering

Swelling of the eyes, face, lips, and tongue Hair loss or thinning

A decrease in the number of blood cells

Hoarseness and a sore throat

Muscle or joint pain

Loss of weight

Mebex 100 mg Tablet is utilized for a number of different applications.

Infection with whipworms

Infection with hookworms

Infection with pinworms and roundworms

Malaria and other parasitic illnesses

Questions that are frequently asked

How long does Mebex 100 mg take to start working?

In clinical trials, the duration of this treatment’s activity in the body has not been identified.

How long do the effects of Mebex 100 mg last?

In clinical trials, the duration of this treatment’s effectiveness in the body has not been identified.

Is it okay to consume alcohol while taking Mebex 100 mg?

Alcohol has no known interaction with the drug. Before ingesting, it is advised that you consult a physician.

Is Mebex 100 mg a potentially addictive drug?

No indicators of habit formation were present.

Is it safe to take 100 mg of Mebex when pregnant?

Women who are pregnant should not take this medication unless absolutely necessary. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

Is it safe to breastfeed while taking Mebex 100 mg?

This medication should not be administered to a nursing mother unless absolutely necessary. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

When should Mebex 100 mg not be used?


If you are allergic to mebendazole or any other member of the Benzimidazole family, you should not use this medication.



Pregnant women should not take Mebex 100 mg unless absolutely necessary. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.


Mebex 100 mg is not recommended for use in breastfeeding women unless absolutely necessary. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

General cautions

The function of the liver

Mebex 100 mg augments the liver’s enzyme content, which may impair its functionality. Although the impact is temporary, enzyme levels must be regularly checked, particularly if a liver disorder is present.

The quantity of blood cells is determined.

Long-term usage of this medication may alter the number of blood cells. Any adverse reactions, such as a prolonged fever with chills or a sore throat, should be reported immediately to your doctor.

Infection prevention

In conjunction with the use of Mebex 100 mg to treat an infection, it is important to clean the home and personal belongings, wash hands before eating, and practice other hygienic measures. This will prevent a recurrence or spread of the infection.

Drug resistance is a major issue.

Even if your symptoms improve or subside, you should continue taking this medication for the duration of your prescription. Failure to do so would result in drug resistance, making it difficult to treat subsequent infections with the same medication.

Children’s utilization

Because the safety and efficacy of this medication have not been shown in clinical trials, it is not recommended for children under the age of two unless prescribed by a physician.

Dosage Erroneous Dose

As soon as you realize you missed a dose, take it. If the next scheduled dose is approaching, it is possible to avoid the missed dose. Contact your doctor if you miss more than one dose of this medication.


In the event of an overdose, seek immediate medical care or contact a physician.

Every medication has a distinct interaction with each individual. Before taking any drug, discuss the potential adverse effects with your doctor.

Alcohol’s Interaction

Alcohol has no known interaction with the drug. Before ingesting, it is advised that you consult a physician.

Medicine and Interaction


Metronidazole Cimetidine

Fosphenytoin  Phenytoin

Interactions between diseases

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

Due to the increased likelihood of severe side effects, individuals with liver disorders should use this medication with extreme caution. Such patients require close monitoring of liver function. In some cases, depending on the clinical condition, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage or replace the medication with a suitable alternative.

Instructions for Use

Follow the doctor’s directions when administering this medication. This drug can be used either with or without food. Do not exceed or fall below the recommended intake. Take the medication for the whole duration prescribed. Ensure adequate hygiene measures are followed to prevent infection transmission and recurrence.


Can be taken with or without food, according on your doctor’s instructions.

How does it work?

This medication inhibits the parasite cell’s nutrient absorption process. It also causes lysis by altering the cell structure of the parasite.

Category: Antiparasitics

Additional information

Chemical Name


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