LURAMAX 40 MG 10 Tablets


Brand Name:  Luramax 

Name:  Lurasidone 

Strength:   40 mg

Pills per order:  10 tablets

Production Company:  Sun Pharmaceuticals

Used for:  Antipsychotic used in the treatment of schizophrenia (affects a person’s ability to feel, think and behave clearly) and bipolar depression (mood swings). 

Luramax 40

Antipsychotics are the category of drugs to which Luramax 40 belongs. It is prescribed for bipolar depression and schizophrenia (which impairs a person’s ability to think, feel, and conduct rationally) (mood swings). Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which a person experiences feelings, hears or sees things that do not exist, believes things that are not real, and feels suspicious or confused in unusual situations. Bipolar disorder is characterized by manic episodes, which are characterized by extreme mood swings (variation in thinking) and frequent changes in mood and behavior.

Numerous prescription drugs include the antipsychotic ingredient lurasidone, which is present in Luramax 40. It functions by inhibiting the activity of a hormone (dopamine) in the brain, which is responsible for the development of symptoms in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, respectively. Luramax 40 has also been proven to affect other neurotransmitters in the brain, such as serotonin; it is probable that this contributes to its therapeutic advantages. By suppressing both, Luramax 40 contributes to the regulation of brain activity and the decrease of symptoms associated with schizophrenia and bipolar illness.

Luramax 40 should be administered precisely as prescribed by a physician. It is suggested that you continue taking Luramax 40 for as long as your physician prescribes, taking into account your medical condition. This medicine may induce nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, weight gain, and indigestion, in addition to stomach upset, anxiety, and upper abdominal pain. Additionally, you may have irritability, sleeplessness, and an increase in salivation. Also probable are akthisia (inability to remain motionless) and gastrointestinal pain. The majority of these adverse effects of Luramax 40 do not require medical intervention and often decrease with continuous usage. However, if any side effects continue or worsen, you should consult a doctor.

Luramax 40 should not be used in certain situations, such as if you are allergic to lurasidone or any of the other ingredients. Inform your doctor if you have difficulties with your liver, kidneys, or heart, or if you have low blood pressure or any other medical disorders prior to taking Luramax 40. If your child is under 13 years old, you should not use this product. If you are older than 65, you should check your physician before using Luramax 40, as it has more adverse effects than other drugs. Inform your doctor if you are nursing or expecting a child. Because Luramax 40 may produce drowsiness and vertigo, you should not operate a motor vehicle until you are completely alert.

The prescription medication Luramax 40 is used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Advantages in terms of medicine

Luramax 40 is used to treat particular mental/mood disorders, such as schizophrenia and depression linked with bipolar disorder. Luramax 40 helps you feel less anxious, think more clearly, and engage in your normal activities more completely. Additionally, it may reduce hallucinations (the perception of objects that are not actually present). It has an influence on brain function, increasing, among other things, mood, cognitive abilities, and social behavior. It has been demonstrated that it slows the evolution of symptoms in people with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders.

Instructions on How to Use

You can take Luramax 40 with or without meals. It is crucial to swallow the Luramax 40 tablet whole with a full glass of water, rather than chewing or crushing it. Continue taking Luramax 40 for as long as your doctor prescribes, which will vary according on your medical condition.

Storage Keep your belongings in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight.

Luramax 40 Negative Effects


Weight growth is a problem.

Tremors, muscle rigidity, and sluggish muscle action are all symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Being restless or unable to sit still is a common occurrence.

Vomiting and nausea

Runny nose is a common complaint.

Problems with sleep (insomnia)

the feeling of having a dry mouth

Discomfort in the abdomen


Drug Advises and Warnings

Lurasidone should not be taken if you are allergic to lurasidone or any of the ingredients in it. Before beginning therapy with lurasidone, you should inform your doctor if you have low blood pressure, a stroke, liver problems, seizures, diabetes, dementia (memory loss), alcohol or drug abuse disorders, sleep apnea (a sleeping disorder), or urinary retention. Inform your doctor if you have epilepsy or fits, if your weight has risen, or if you have a history of blood clots before using Lurasidone. Contact your doctor immediately if you have suicidal thoughts or if your depression worsens as a result of taking Lurasidone. Seniors taking Lurasidone for dementia-related mental difficulties had a greater mortality risk than the general population (thinking and suicidal symptoms). The majority of deaths were due to infection or cardiovascular illness. Avoid ingesting alcoholic drinks while taking Lurasidone, since it may worsen the side effects. Inform your doctor if you are nursing or expecting a child. Common side effects of lurasidone include dizziness and sleepiness. It is advised that you do not operate a motor vehicle if you are not totally aware.

Drug Interactions occur often.

Lurasidone may interact with anti-medications parkinson’s (levodopa), migraine medications (ergotamine), medications for allergic conditions (terfenadine, astemizole), medications for digestive disease (cisapride), antipsychotic medications (pimozide), heart disease medications (quinidine), chest pain medications (bepridil), and antidepressants. Lurasidone is a prescription medicine (moclobemide, tranylcypromine, citalopram, escitalopram, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, paroxetine, sertraline, duloxetine, venlafaxine, amitriptyline, doxepin, trimipramine).

Lurasidone may interact with grapefruit and alcohol, hence raising the probability of adverse outcomes.

Lurasidone should be used with caution to patients with dementia, diabetes, low blood pressure, renal disease, or significant weight gain due to drug-disease interactions.

Safety Recommendations


It is likely that drinking alcohol while taking Lurasidone will exacerbate the disease and increase the risk of adverse consequences.


If you are pregnant, you should not take Lurasidone unless your doctor has recommended it. Please to your physician if you have any concerns, since he or she will only prescribe medication if the benefits outweigh the risks in your individual case.


Since it is uncertain if Lurasidone enters breast milk, it is not suggested that women who are taking Lurasidone also breastfeed. Lurasidone should only be administered under the supervision of a physician. Your doctor will assess if nursing mothers can take Lurasidone.


DIZZINESS WHILE DRIVING Lurasidone may induce dizziness. It is not advised to drive or operate heavy machinery while using Lurasidone, since this medicine may impair your reflexes.


Lurasidone should be administered with caution to patients suffering from liver disease. Some dose adjustments may be necessary.


Patients with renal disease must take caution when using lurasidone. Some dose adjustments may be necessary.

No formation of habits

Diet and Lifestyle Suggestions

Avoid consuming grapefruit or grapefruit juice while using Lurasidone, since it may reduce the medication’s efficacy.

Extreme heat makes it more difficult for the body to cool down, thus it is best to avoid intense exertion. Stay hydrated and avoid going outside when the temperature is high.

Because alcohol produces sleepiness and also worsens the medical situation, it should not be consumed.

Maintain a healthy diet and closely monitor your weight on a consistent basis.

Special Recommendation

Even if you do not have diabetes, lurasidone may cause your blood sugar to rise, particularly in those with schizophrenia. Contact your doctor immediately if you have any of the following symptoms: increased thirst, frequent urination, tiredness, or an increase in appetite.

Other information : This item is non-returnable due to its nature.

Patients’ Preoccupation

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which a person has hallucinations, hears or feels things that are not present, believes falsehoods, and feels unusually suspicious or perplexed. Possible effects include hallucinations, delusions, mental issues, movement difficulties, disordered thinking, loss of interest, and absence of emotions.

Bipolar disorder is defined as a major brain condition characterized by unpredictable mood fluctuations (mood swings) and frequent changes in behavior and cognition.


Blood sugar elevation is a potential adverse effect of lurasidone (sugar). Therefore, it is advised that you often monitor your blood sugar levels while using Lurasidone. Patients with diabetes should see their physician prior to using Lurasidone.

Weight gain is a typical adverse effect of Lurasidone, however not everyone who takes the medicine will experience it. Notify your physician if you experience weight gain while taking Lurasidone. Maintaining a balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity can help with weight maintenance.

It is vital to avoid consuming alcohol while taking Lurasidone, since the combination of the two might have substantial adverse consequences. While using Lurasidone, you should avoid drinking grapefruit juice since it may reduce the drug’s efficacy.

It is probable that taking lurasidone will raise the risk of mortality in elderly individuals with memory loss, disorientation, or loss of contact with reality. Using Lurasidone requires an understanding that certain children, young adults, and adolescents may exhibit suicidal behavior or have suicidal thoughts during the initial few months of therapy and when the dose is changed.

As a potential adverse effect, Lurasidone may lead to dry mouth. According to study, limiting caffeine use, abstaining from smoking and using mouthwashes containing alcohol, drinking adequate water, and consuming sugar-free gum/candy may assist to boost saliva production and avoid mouth dryness.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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