
Brand Name:  Lipvas

Name:  Atorvastatin

Strength:   20 mg

Pills per order:  10 tablets

Production Company:   Cipla

Used for: High cholesterol

Lipvas 20 mg

Lipvas 20 mg is a statin, a family of medications used to treat excessive levels of cholesterol in the body. Lipvas 20 mg decreases blood levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or bad cholesterol while boosting blood levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or good cholesterol. Dyslipidemia is a disorder in which the blood contains abnormal levels of fats (lipids). This syndrome is usually characterized by a high concentration of low-density lipoprotein (LDL or bad cholesterol), triglycerides (TG), and a low concentration of high-density lipoprotein (HDL or good cholesterol) (HDL or good cholesterol).

Lipvas 20 mg includes Atorvastatin, which works by delaying cholesterol formation in the body, so lowering the amount of cholesterol that can build up on artery walls and block blood flow to the heart, brain, and other organs. Lipvas 20 mg helps reduce the creation of cholesterol, which can accumulate in the arteries of the heart, brain, and other organs. By reducing cholesterol levels, they aid in the future prevention of cardiovascular diseases including heart attacks and strokes. Lipvas 20 mg may be administered to those with a family history of excessive cholesterol in coronary heart disease or chronic health conditions such as type 1, type 2, or rheumatoid arthritis.

Lipvas 20 mg is used once day at the prescribed period. The frequency with which you should take your prescriptions will be determined by your doctor based on your medical condition. You can take Lipvas 20 mg with or without meals. With a glass of water, it must be finished in its whole. It must not be eaten, broken, or bit. Possible adverse effects include allergic reactions, hyperglycemia (excess glucose in the blood), headache, blurred vision, discomfort, constipation, nausea, diarrhea, muscle spasms, joint swelling, and back pain. The majority of these Lipvas 20 mg adverse effects do not necessitate medical attention and will subside with time. Consult your doctor immediately if you have yellow eyes or skin (jaundice), black urine, or unexplained muscular discomfort.

Lipvas 20 mg has been associated with the breakdown of skeletal muscle tissue, which can result in renal failure. This condition is especially prevalent in the elderly, those with renal disease, and those with poorly managed hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Lipvas 20 mg should not be administered to children younger than 10 years old. If you have had an allergic reaction to Lipvas 20 mg, if you have liver or kidney problems, if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, if you are breastfeeding, if you have severe lung disease, if you have had a previous heart attack or stroke caused by bleeding in the brain, if you have hypothyroidism, if you consume more than 2 servings of alcohol per day, or if you have a muscle disorder, you should consult a physician before taking this medication (fibromyalgia). The effectiveness of Lipvas 20 mg can be enhanced by consuming low-fat or cholesterol-containing meals and beverages.

Lipvas 20 mg is used to treat elevated cholesterol levels.

Lipvas 20 mg

Medicinal Advantages

When paired with dietary modifications, Lipvas 20 mg assists in the treatment of high cholesterol, particularly in heart patients who have previously tried and failed to reduce their cholesterol levels. Those with dyslipidemia or hyperlipidemia benefit from a drop in bad cholesterol (LDL) and an increase in good cholesterol (HDL). Lipvas 20 mg is believed to be more effective compared to other statins. Additionally, Lipvas 20 mg minimizes the amount of fat or cholesterol buildup (plaque) in the heart’s arteries, hence minimizing the risk of a future heart attack or stroke.

Use Instructions

Your doctor will recommend how frequently you should take your prescriptions based on your specific medical condition. With a full glass of water, the pill should be ingested. It should not be broken, crushed, or eaten. For optimal results, take the drug at the same time daily.

Place in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.

Lipvas 20 mg Side Effects

As with many medications, Lipvas 20 mg might have side effects, however not everyone will experience them. Possible side effects include headache, blurred vision, muscular weakness, allergic reactions, hyperglycemia (excess glucose in the blood), constipation, nausea, diarrhea, joint swelling, and back pain. The majority of these Lipvas 20 mg adverse effects do not necessitate medical attention and will subside with time. However, if the bad effects persist, visit a physician.

Precautions & Drug Warnings

Atorvastatin can induce degradation of skeletal muscle tissue, which can lead to renal failure. This condition is especially prevalent in the elderly, those with renal disease, and those with poorly managed hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Atorvastatin should not be administered to children younger than 10 years old. If you’ve had an allergic reaction to Lipvas 20 mg, have a liver problem (jaundice, liver cirrhosis), or kidney problems, are pregnant or planning to become pregnant, breastfeeding, have severe lung disease, have had a previous heart attack or stroke caused by bleeding in the brain, have hypothyroidism, consume more than 2 servings of alcohol per day, or have a muscle disorder (fibromyalgia) and damaged muscle tissue, you should consult a physician before taking this (rhabdomyolysis).

Interactions Between Drugs

Antibiotics (cephalexin, tetracycline, gentamicin), antifungals (miconazole, fluconazole, and ketoconazole), HIV meds (abacavir, retrovir, and tenofovir), hepatitis C meds (ribavirin, elbasvir), anti-arthritis meds (cyclosporin), heart rate-controlling meds (amiodarone), and anti (like verapamil, diltiazem).

Grapefruit and atorvastatin may interact in a food-drug manner. It increases the concentration of Atorvastatin in the body.

Patients with severe liver illness (jaundice), renal disease, lung disease, or muscular weakness (rhabdomyolysis) should be examined continually while using Lipvas 20 mg.

Safety Suggestions


If you are using this medicine, limit your fluid intake. If you consume excessive amounts of alcohol, you are more likely to have muscle and liver issues.


Avoid taking atorvastatin during pregnancy. Before using Lipvas 20 mg, see your physician.


Not recommended is breastfeeding. Before using Lipvas 20 mg, see your physician.


Atorvastatin has no influence on the ability to operate a motor vehicle or heavy machinery.


If you have a history of liver illnesses or issues, you should use Atorvastatin with care. Your physician may need to adjust the dosage.


If you have a history of renal illness or disorder, you should use Atorvastatin with care. Your physician may need to adjust the dosage.

No habit formation

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

Aromatherapy, yoga, or meditation can help you calm your body and mind.

To obtain extra oxygen, use breathing exercises.

Consume soluble fiber-rich foods, such as beans, lentils, whole grains, flax, apples, and citrus fruits.

Replace the bulk of your saturated fats with unsaturated fats to quickly decrease your total and LDL cholesterol. Avocados, olive oil, fatty salmon, and almonds are rich in heart-healthy unsaturated fats; hence, consuming them everyday is beneficial.

Avoid red meat and most dairy products in favor of a diet rich in olive oil, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains.

Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables since they include antioxidants that help reduce LDL cholesterol.

Reduce your daily sugar consumption. Women and children should take no more than 100 calories (25 grams) of added sugar per day, while males should consume no more than 150 calories (37.5 grams).

The American Heart Association advises that sodium chloride (table salt) consumption not exceed 2,300 mg per day as part of a healthy diet.

As a precaution, avoid ingesting alcohol and cease smoking.


If muscular fatigue or discomfort is limiting your everyday activities. Consult a doctor if you suffer muscular weakness or tiredness.

Additional Information: This item is non-refundable.

Glossary of Diseases and Conditions

Cholesterol is a waxy substance created by the liver in order to protect neurons, build tissue, and make various hormones. Dietary sources of cholesterol include cooking oils, eggs, meats, and dairy products, among others. Excess cholesterol is hazardous to our health. The two types of cholesterol are “bad cholesterol” and “good cholesterol.” LDL and TG are unhealthy cholesterol, while HDL is good cholesterol (HDL). High or elevated cholesterol levels are typically accompanied with a significant cholesterol buildup in the arteries (plaque) or a heart obstruction. A blocked artery or plaque buildup within the heart’s arteries can cause chest discomfort (angina), a heart attack, or a stroke. Therefore, complete cholesterol testing (lipid profile tests) should be performed annually at minimum. It will help you monitor your heart health and the risk of a heart attack or stroke.


Muscle weakness is one of Atorvastatin’s long-term side effects. You may have muscle fatigue or discomfort, limiting your ability to do daily tasks. Consult a doctor if you suffer muscular weakness or tiredness.

Atorvastatin appears to be non-addictive.

Atorvastatin may induce a slight elevation in blood glucose levels. Please consult your physician if you have type 2 diabetes. The dose of atorvastatin may be changed by your physician.

There is no clear evidence that taking Atorvastatin reduces male or female fertility. However, if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, you should see a physician before taking it.

Include fiber, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and seafood in your normal diet, but you should avoid saturated fat. Stop smoking and drinking, and make daily exercise a priority.

Not recommended: discontinuing Atorvastatin without consulting a physician. Before quitting, please see a physician.

Yogurt is a probiotic that, when taken with 20 mg of Lipvas, can aid in lowering cholesterol levels. People who consume yogurt have a better metabolic profile than those who do not.

There is no compelling clinical evidence that the usage of Atorvastatin harms newborns. Atorvastatin, however, penetrates breast milk and may be harmful to the infant. If you are a nursing mother and are taking 20 mg of Lipvas, you should consult a physician.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism include muscular weakness, joint pain, renal disease, diabetes, liver disease, uncontrolled epilepsy, high or low potassium levels, and dangerously low blood pressure.

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