LETHYROX 100MCG 100 tablets


Brand Name: Lethyrox 

Name:  Levothyroxine 

Strength: 100 mcg

Pills per order:  100 Pills

Production Company:   Intas 

Used for:  Thyroid, treatment of hypothyroidism or low secretion of thyroid hormone


LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET are synthetic thyroid hormones that take the place of the body’s own thyroid hormone when the body isn’t making enough of its own thyroid hormone to meet its needs. The thyroid hormone supplement LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET is used to treat hypothyroidism and low levels of thyroid hormone production. It has the thyroid hormone levothyroxine in it, which is made in a lab but is chemically similar to the thyroid hormone thyroxine that our gland makes. Levothyroxine helps replace thyroid hormone and/or relieve stress on the thyroid gland.

Hypothyroidism is a long-term condition in which the thyroid gland, which is in the back of the neck, doesn’t make enough thyroid hormone. Triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine make up thyroid hormones, which control the body’s metabolism (T4). When a person has an underactive thyroid, their metabolism slows down and they feel less energetic. Other signs and symptoms include feeling tired, having trouble going to the bathroom, gaining weight, feeling cold even when it’s warm outside, having dry skin, having too many or too few periods (in women), and even feeling sad. Hypothyroidism needs to be treated so that the body’s metabolism can get back to normal (basal metabolic rate).

If you have any of the above symptoms, your doctor will recommend a blood test called a “thyroid function test.” This test looks at three thyroid hormones: TSH, T3, and T4. If your TSH level is too high and your T3/T4 level is too low, this could mean that your thyroid gland isn’t working right. Your weight and the results of your thyroid function test will help your doctor decide how much LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET to give you. It could take a few weeks for the full effects of the drug to show. To make sure you are getting the most out of your LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET, you should have your thyroid function checked regularly.

Take one LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET once a day, with a full glass of water, one-half to one hour before breakfast, unless your doctor tells you otherwise. If you take too much LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET, you might get headaches, anxiety, restlessness, irritability, diarrhea, muscle spasms, weight loss, feeling hot even when it’s cold, irregular periods (in women), and a skin rash. If you miss a dose, don’t take a double dose because it could make things much worse.

In order to help your bones stay healthy, your doctor may also give you calcium or vitamin D supplements. LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET is not just meant to help people lose weight. People with diabetes who take LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET may have changes in how well their blood sugar is controlled. If this happens, they may need to take more diabetes medicines or insulin. So, people with diabetes who start, change, or stop thyroid hormone therapy should talk to a doctor and keep a close eye on their blood glucose levels.

The 100 mcg LETHYROX TABLET is used for the following: Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland doesn’t work as it should (underactive thyroid)


Medicinal Advantages

LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET helps treat hypothyroidism, which is when the thyroid gland doesn’t work as well as it should. It also reduces the symptoms of low thyroid hormones, such as sudden weight gain, feeling tired, being sensitive to cold, and more. So, it helps the body replace its own natural thyroid hormone, which is important for both mental and physical health. On the other hand, LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET should not be used to treat obesity or to help people lose weight.

Use Instructions

This medicine should be taken once a day, half an hour before breakfast, on an empty stomach, with a full glass of water. But if you’re not sure how to use LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET, you should talk to a doctor.


Keep things in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.


Like other drugs, LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET can have side effects, but not everyone gets them. Most side effects are caused by taking the wrong amount or not taking it as prescribed. Palpitations, muscle spasms, headaches, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, tremors, muscle weakness, increased hunger, weight loss, diarrhea, heat intolerance, menstrual changes, and skin rashes are all possible side effects. When you take the right amount as your doctor tells you, you rarely notice these bad side effects. But if these symptoms keep bothering you, you should see a doctor.

Drug Recommendations

LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET may not work as well if you eat foods like soy flour, cottonseed meal, cabbage, cauliflower, walnuts, dietary fiber, calcium, and drinks with added calcium. So, if you can, try not to eat these meals within a few hours of taking your dose. Patients with a recent heart attack or high blood pressure shouldn’t take LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET. Before you take LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET, you should have a doctor closely watch how your heart works.

Interactions Between Drugs

Drug-Drug Interactions: Antidepressants (amitriptyline, imipramine, dosulepin), Beta Blockers (propranolol, atenolol, and sotalol), Anti-convulsants (carbamazepine, primidone, and phenytoin), Calcium/Vitamin D, Neuro-related medicines (amphetamine / dextroamphetamine), Antidepressants (ami Before taking LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET, talk to your doctor if you are taking any of these medicines.

Drug-Food Interactions: Tell your doctor if you are taking any homeopathic, ayurvedic, Unani, or over-the-counter medicines. These medicines could make it harder for LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET to work. Foods like soybean flour, cottonseed meal, walnuts, dietary fiber, calcium, and drinks with added calcium may also make it harder for the body to absorb LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET. So, if you can help it, don’t eat these meals.

Thyroid hormones make the heart work harder and make the body use more oxygen. Disease-Drug Interaction: Thyroid hormones make the heart work harder and make the body use more oxygen. Because of this, a LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET should be used with care in people with heart conditions like high blood pressure, chest pain (angina), and coronary artery disease. The way your heart works should be checked often. If you feel pain in your chest often, talk to your doctor about lowering the dose.

Safety Suggestions


You shouldn’t drink alcohol while taking LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET because it could cause bad side effects.


You should only take LETHYROX 100 mcg TABLET if your doctor tells you to. Due to higher levels of oestrogen (the female sex hormone) in the blood, the need for LETHYROX 100 mcg may go up during pregnancy. Thyroid function should be checked on a regular basis during and after pregnancy to make sure it is working properly. In this case, your doctor can change the amount of thyroid hormone you take.


Even if a woman takes a lot of levothyroxine, a very small amount of LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET passes into her breast milk. This means that it is safe. But if you’re not sure, you should talk to a doctor.


You can still drive while taking LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET.


LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET has no effect on the liver, so it can be used in the amount that is recommended.


LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET can be used in the amount given because it doesn’t hurt the kidneys. If you have a problem with your adrenal glands, you should see a doctor before taking it.

No habit formation

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

You can reduce your symptoms and help your thyroid work better if you eat the right foods and take your prescriptions as directed. Iodine, zinc, and selenium help people with hypothyroidism. On the other hand, you should only take iodine and selenium supplements if your doctor tells you to.

When we have hypothyroidism, our bodies often lose calcium and Vitamin D. This is called hypocalcemia. People with hypothyroidism should eat foods that are high in calcium.

Hypothyroidism causes people to have a slower metabolism, so eating more protein may help you speed up.

Yoga and aerobics might be able to help you speed up your metabolism every day.

People with hypothyroidism should eat more vegetables, fruits, and proteins that are low in fat. You might not gain weight if you eat these meals that are low in calories.

Goitrogens are substances that stop the thyroid gland from working normally. They are found in soy foods (like tofu), cabbage, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, spinach, sweet potatoes, cassava, peaches, strawberries, millet, pine nuts, peanuts, and other foods.


If you take too much, you might have serious or even life-threatening toxicity symptoms. So, if you forget to take your LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET, take it as soon as you remember. If your next dose is coming up soon, you should skip the one you missed and keep doing what your doctor told you to do.

It is not recommended to use LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET to treat obesity or to help someone lose weight.

Patients who have problems with their adrenaline or pituitary glands, heart disease, diabetes, or blood clotting should not take LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET before talking to their doctor, as the dose may need to be changed.

Patients with diabetes who are taking LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET should talk to their doctor before starting this medicine, because it could make it harder to control their blood sugar and cause them to need more diabetes medicines or insulin.

Regular use of LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET may cause bone mineral density to decrease, especially in women who have gone through menopause. So, talk to your doctor about the smallest dose that won’t hurt your bones.

Before you have surgery, tell your doctor if you are taking LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET.

Most of the time, thyroid function tests are done on people who haven’t eaten in six to eight hours.

People with a rare inherited condition called galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase insufficiency, or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this drug.

Other details: This item is non-refundable.

Glossary of Diseases and Conditions

Hypothyroidism, which is also called “underactive thyroid,” is a condition in which the thyroid gland doesn’t make enough thyroid hormones to meet the needs of the body. When thyroid hormone levels are low, the way our bodies work and how fast they work slow down. Hypothyroidism makes you tired, more sensitive to cold, constipated, have dry skin, gain weight for no reason, have a swollen face, a hoarse voice, and weak muscles. When someone has hypothyroidism, they may lose calcium and vitamin D.


LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET can only be used to treat hypothyroidism. It can’t be used to help people lose weight.

People shouldn’t take LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET with food. Please take it on an empty stomach at least 30 minutes before your tea, coffee, or breakfast in the morning.

If you have sudden weight gain, tiredness, increased sensitivity to cold, dry skin, constipation, a bloated face, muscle weakness, anxiety, or hoarseness in your voice, you should see a doctor. You should see an endocrinologist or physician for more treatment.

You should get a thyroid profile test every month that checks your T3, T4, and TSH levels. When you use LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET as your doctor tells you to, your TSH level will go down.

Depending on your age, gender, and health, your thyroid hormone levels may change (like pregnancy, chronic condition or complication). TSH levels can be as low as 4.2 mU/L in a 30-year-old woman and as high as 8.9 mU/L in a 90-year-old man. Besides that, your stress level, what you eat, what drugs you take, and when you have your period can all affect your thyroid hormone levels.

Don’t take in more than 2300 mg of salt every day. When you eat too much salt, your blood pressure goes up. This is especially true if your thyroid isn’t working as well as it should.

Based on the thyroid profile test, an endocrinologist may tell a pregnant woman to take a high dose of LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET to get the high level of thyroid hormone she needs. During pregnancy, it is important to get treatment for an underactive thyroid because low thyroid hormone levels in the mother can hurt both the mother and the baby.

If you have hypothyroidism or an underactive thyroid, your thyroid hormone levels can be checked once a year with a TSH test.

Do not take two doses of LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET if you miss one. If you take too much LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET, you might feel anxious, have trouble sleeping, get a mild fever, have your blood pressure go up, or have loose stools. In this case, you should call your doctor right away, and you should only take it if your doctor says you can.

Hypothyroidism, or an underactive thyroid, can cause low haemoglobin (anemia), high blood pressure, sore muscles, and weakness in pregnant women who don’t get treatment. Aside from that, it increases the risk of a miscarriage, an early birth (before 37 weeks), or even a stillbirth. Hypothyroidism that isn’t treated during pregnancy can also cause the baby to have hypothyroidism. If you have been told you have hypothyroidism, see an endocrinologist.

During the first few months of treatment, you might lose your hair. As your body adjusts to the drug, this effect tends to be short-lived. If this effect lasts or gets worse, tell your doctor so that you can get more treatment.

If you use LEVOTHYROXINE TABLET for a long time, your bones may lose some of their mineral density. Talk to your doctor if you want to know more.

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