IVERHEAL 12MG 10 Tablets


Brand Name:  Iverheal

Name:  ivermectin

Strength: 12 mg

Pills per order:  10 Pills

Production Company:  Healing Pharma

Used for:   Anti-parasitic, anthelmintic, Covid, Coronavirus, Covid-19

Iverheal 12 mg Tablets

Ivermectin, the active ingredient in tablet Iverheal 12, belongs to the class of anti-parasitic drugs known as anthelmintics. It is a typical parasite medication used to treat disorders such as strongyloidiasis (roundworm infection) and onchocerciasis (a worm infection that affects skin and eyes). These are parasitic infections that, if left untreated, can have a detrimental effect on a person’s quality of life and even result in death, particularly in those with impaired immune systems.

Ivermectin has also been demonstrated to be effective against infections caused by Covid-19 and Coronavirus. This issue requires additional research, and as of this writing, it is not FDA-approved for Covid Treatment.

Iverheal 12 Tablet functions by adhering to the parasite’s digestive tract. It either paralyzes and kills the parasite or temporarily prevents adult parasites from generating larvae. Iverheal 12 should be taken on an empty stomach at least one hour before to meals. Follow your physician’s instructions before administering this medication. Do not alter the dosage without first consulting your physician. Typically, it is provided in a single dose. Depending on the circumstances, your doctor may prescribe a sequence of dosages.

Common adverse effects of Iverheal 12 include headache, dizziness, muscle soreness, nausea, and upset stomach. Another option is orthostatic hypotension (dizziness when getting up too quickly from a sitting or lying position). If you have a history of worm infection and are taking this medication for strongyloidiasis, you may get headaches, neck pain, blurred vision, mental changes, confusion, and seizures. During early treatment for onchocerciasis, you may experience fever, skin rashes, joint pain, hand or foot swelling, eye pain, vision problems, and weakness. If these symptoms persist or worsen, visit your doctor immediately.

Inform your doctor if you are allergic to ivermectin or any other medicines before beginning Iverheal 12. Inform your doctor if you are taking any prescription or nonprescription medications, herbal supplements, or nutritional supplements. Inform your doctor if you are using sedatives, anti-anxiety, or anti-epileptic drugs. Inform your doctor if you have a history of meningitis, human African trypanosomiasis, or African sleeping sickness (an infection caused by the bite of a tsetse fly in African countries), or if you have an immune-suppressing condition such as HIV or AIDS. Also, inform your physician if you are pregnant or nursing.

Strongyloidiasis (threadworm infection) and onchocerciasis are among the ailments for which Iverheal 12 is prescribed (a worm infection)


Medicinal Advantages

The 12th generation of the antiparasitic medication Iverheal. By affecting the nervous system, it can eradicate parasites. It causes paralysis in the worms, leading to their starvation and death. It completely eradicates the disease in cases of strongyloidiasis by eliminating the parasites in the colon. It can only control the infection in cases of onchocerciasis due to the fact that it only kills immature worms.

Use Instructions

Iverheal 12 should be taken at least one hour before meals on an empty stomach. With a glass of water, the pill should be taken whole. Follow your doctor’s directions for how to take the medication. Typically, it is provided in a single dose.


Place in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.

Ivermectin Side Effects

Ivermectin may cause headache, dizziness, nausea, musculoskeletal discomfort, diarrhea, and orthostatic hypotension. When used to treat strongyloidiasis in patients with a history of loiasis (an infection caused by the eye worm (loa loa) characterized by skin and eye problems), this medication may cause headaches, confusion, decreased vision, seizures, balance concerns, and difficulty walking. During the first four days of treatment for onchocerciasis, you may experience joint pain, altered vision, hand or foot edema, and weakness. If you develop any unusual or serious side effects, get immediate medical attention.

Drug Recommendations

Inform your doctor if you are allergic to Ivermectin, antiparasitic treatments, or any other medications. Inform your doctor if you are taking any prescription or nonprescription medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements, or herbal products. Inform your doctor if you have ever been diagnosed with meningitis, human African trypanosomiasis (a disease transmitted by tsetse flies), or HIV. Inform your doctor if you are pregnant, intend to become pregnant, or are nursing. Inform your doctor whether you’ve ever had loa loa disease (a worm infection) or resided in West or Central Africa. Consult a physician immediately if you experience vision blurring, convulsions, difficulty walking, or neck pain.

Interactions Between Drugs

Ivermectin can interact with sedatives (phenobarbital and butalbital), anti-anxiety drugs (clonazepam and lorazepam), opiates (sodium oxybate), and antiepileptic drugs (valproic acid).

Alcohol and Ivermectin may interact as part of drug-food interactions.

Ivermectin should be taken with caution by individuals with meningitis, human African trypanosomiasis, or HIV due to drug-disease interactions.

Cautionary Warning


Alcohol may interact with ivermectin, hence raising the likelihood of adverse consequences.


During pregnancy, ivermectin should be administered with caution.


Ivermectin should only be administered to nursing mothers if prescribed by a physician.


Ivermectin may cause drowsiness and impair driving abilities.


Ivermectin should be provided cautiously to persons with liver diseases. Ivermectin should only be administered under the supervision of a healthcare professional.


Ivermectin can only be administered to patients with renal difficulties if prescribed by a physician.

No habit formation

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

It is essential to consume a diet low in refined sugars and processed foods. It is crucial to consume fiber since it keeps your intestines busy while you’re washing.

A nutrient-rich diet is required to strengthen your immune system as parasites are eliminated from your body.

Include garlic, honey, pumpkin seeds, and papaya seeds in your diet because they are all anti-parasitic.

Make an attempt to consume a diet devoid of sweets and grains.

To further limit sugar intake, it is suggested that fruit consumption be restricted.

Avoid consuming raw or undercooked meat and shellfish following deparasitization to prevent future parasite infections.


Avoid rising too quickly from a seated or reclined position to avoid dizziness. Before standing, carefully rise and rest your feet on the ground for several minutes.

Other details : This item is non-refundable.

Glossary of Diseases and Conditions

Threadworms produce the parasitic condition known as strongyloidiasis. In this case, a type of roundworm enters the body through the skin and infects the gastrointestinal tract. Among the symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and skin rashes.

Onchocerciasis, often known as river blindness, is a skin and eye condition caused by a parasitic worm. Among the symptoms are skin rashes, intense itching, tumors beneath the skin, and impaired vision.


Ivermectin may cause rashes and fever. Due to the fact that not everyone experiences the same side effects, you may or may not get a fever while using Ivermectin.

Typically, after taking Ivermectin for two to three days, symptoms improve. Consult your physician immediately if you do not experience any improvement within seven days of treatment.

Ivermectin can be used to treat scabies with a doctor’s prescription only.

Ivermectin should not be administered daily. Follow your physician’s instructions before administering this medication.

Ivermectin should be used with caution to people with seizures or epilepsy. Consult your physician prior to using Ivermectin to avoid unpleasant side effects.

Ivermectin is a therapy for parasitic infections. Consult a physician before using Ivermectin for any skin condition.

Ivermectin is not a medicine available without a prescription. It can only be taken if prescribed by a physician. It should only be taken under the supervision of a physician.

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