GP 4MG 10 Tablets


Brand Name:  GP

Name:    Glimepiride

Strength:  4 mg

Pills per order:   10 Tablets

Production Company:   USV Ltd

Used for:  To lower your blood sugar level

Gp 4 MG Tablet

Manufactured By  Usv Ltd.

Contains  Glimepiride


Gp 4 MG Tablet is an oral, long-acting anti-diabetic medication used to reduce blood sugar levels. It is used to treat individuals with Type II diabetes, a disorder that changes how the body handles blood sugar. It may also be used in conjunction with insulin or other medications to better regulate blood sugar levels. Gp 4 MG Tablet functions by boosting insulin levels in the blood, hence decreasing blood sugar levels.

Common adverse effects of Gp 4 MG Tablet include weight gain, low blood sugar, nausea, headache, and dizziness. Consult your physician immediately if you develop perspiration, vertigo, headache, and trembling, since these symptoms may suggest low blood sugar levels. To prevent this, carry a sweet or a fast-acting supply of glucose. It is essential to never skip a meal, as doing so might result in hypoglycemia.

As suggested by your physician, Gp 4 MG Tablet must be taken with meals. Continue using this medication despite feeling better after a few doses. Do not stop taking this medication without first visiting your doctor, since a rise in your blood glucose level might exacerbate your condition. Your lifestyle plays a significant part in diabetes management. Regular exercise and a nutritious diet will help you regulate your blood sugar. Do not exceed the recommended dosage of this medication, since doing so might result in toxicity.

Gp 4 MG Tablet is contraindicated in patients with type 1 diabetes (in which the pancreas generates little or no insulin) or with severe liver or renal disease. If you have a known allergy to this medication, you should request an alternative. Utilize a sunscreen or wear long-sleeved clothing, since Gp 4 MG Tablet may make your skin photosensitive. Gp 4 MG Tablet is contraindicated during pregnancy and nursing unless prescribed by a physician. Inform your doctor of any medications you are currently taking, since this medication may interact with others and produce severe adverse effects. Inform your doctor if you have any preexisting liver, renal, or cardiac problems. Your doctor can change your dosage to ensure safe usage.


List of substitutes for Gp 4 MG Tablet

Diapride 4 MG Tablet   Micro Labs Ltd.

Glimer 4 MG Tablet   Abbott Healthcare Pvt. Ltd.

Glimestar 4 MG Tablet   Mankind Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Glimulin 4 MG Tablet   Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Glimy 4 MG Tablet   Dr. Reddys Laboratories Ltd.

Side effects

Major and mild adverse reactions to Gp 4 MG

Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia)




Flu like symptoms

Allergic skin reaction



Weight gain

Uses of Gp 4 MG Tablet

What is the intended use?

Type II Diabetes Mellitus

Related Products

List of related products

Gp 0.5 MG Tablet

Gp 1 MG Tablet

Gp 2 MG Tablet

Gp 3 MG Tablet

Questions typically asked

How long does this medication take to take effect?

One hour after oral administration, the impact of Gp 4 MG Tablet can be detected. However, the drug takes two to three hours to exert its maximum impact.

How long do this medication’s effects last?

The average duration of Gp 4 MG Tablet’s action is 48 hours.

Is alcohol consumption safe when taking this medication?

Alcohol use in excessive numbers is not advised when using Gp 4 MG Tablet to manage blood sugar levels. It is suggested to limit alcohol consumption since it might raise blood sugar levels. Both symptoms of low and high blood sugar levels should be reported immediately to a doctor.

Is this medication habit forming?

There were no reports of Gp 4 MG Tablet causing addictive behavior.

Can this medication be used when pregnant?

Gp 4 MG Tablet is typically not suggested for usage in pregnant women since there are insufficient studies demonstrating its safety in this population. Your doctor will only prescribe this medication if the possible benefits exceed the dangers. Do not use or discontinue this medication without first seeing a physician.

Can this medicine be taken while breast-feeding?  

Gp 4 MG Tablet is not suggested for women who are nursing because it is unknown if this medication goes into breast milk. Before using any medication, the risks and benefits should be reviewed with your doctor. If this medication is administered, your doctor will constantly watch your infant for any adverse reactions.

When not to use?

If you are allergic to Gp 4 MG Tablet, you should avoid taking it. In such circumstances, taking this medication might cause serious allergic responses, such as shortness of breath, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or other regions of the body, rash, itching, or hives on the skin, etc. Inform your physician about your allergy and request an alternative medication.



Gp 4 MG Tablet is typically not suggested for usage in pregnant women since there are insufficient studies demonstrating its safety in this population. Your doctor will only prescribe this medication if the possible benefits exceed the dangers. Do not use or discontinue this medication without first seeing a physician.

Breast Feeding

Gp 4 MG Tablet is not suggested for women who are nursing because it is unknown if this medication goes into breast milk. Before using any medication, the risks and benefits should be reviewed with your doctor. If this medication is administered, your doctor will constantly watch your infant for any adverse reactions.

General warnings


Gp 4 MG Tablet can produce moderate to severe blood glucose reductions. The hazards are significantly higher for the elderly, malnourished individuals, and those with renal and hormone issues. You should inform your doctor of any similar incidents. Carry a stable supply of glucose, such as sugar sweets, to combat low blood sugar levels.


Use of Gp 4 MG Tablet should be discontinued if you are subjected to stressful situations such as a fever, trauma, surgery, or accident, since it may not be effective at regulating blood sugar levels under these circumstances. Replacement with an appropriate alternative should be explored under the guidance of a physician.

Fluid Retention

Gp 4 MG Tablet might induce low blood sodium levels. In some situations, this might lead to fluid retention, which can have severe and detrimental repercussions on the body. This risk is elevated in the elderly, those on diuretics (medications that enhance pee output), and those with decreased volume (a condition that causes a decrease in fluid volume due to excess loss of sodium and water from the body). Request dosage changes or an alternative medication if necessary.

Weight gain

Some people may have a mild to moderate weight gain when using Gp 4 MG Tablet. Regular exercise and a nutritious diet will help you control your weight.

Alcohol use

Alcohol use is not advised while taking Gp 4 MG Tablet since it might raise blood sugar levels.


When exposed to sunlight, Gp 4 MG Tablet may induce allergic responses on the skin. Take careful precautions to protect your skin from the sun if you are using this medication.

Change of drugs

If there is a change in your existing medicine, you may notice some transient adverse effects. This effect is the result of switching from one medication to another. In these circumstances, regular monitoring of blood sugar levels may be necessary.


Missed Dose

The missing dosage of Gp 4 MG Tablet should be administered as soon as it is remembered. If the next dose is due soon, the missed dose can be avoided. Do not increase the dose to compensate for a missing dose.


If you ingest more than the recommended dosage of Gp 4 MG Tablet, you may develop issues such as dizziness, disorientation, an elevated heart rate, tremor, and perspiration, among others. Consult a physician promptly for additional instructions.


Drug interactions vary from person to person. Before taking any medication, you should discuss any potential drug interactions with your doctor.

Interaction with Alcohol

Alcohol use in excessive numbers is not advised when using Gp 4 MG Tablet to manage blood sugar levels. It is suggested to limit alcohol consumption since it might raise blood sugar levels. Both symptoms of low and high blood sugar levels should be reported immediately to a doctor.

Interaction with Medicine







Disease interactions

Heart disease

Due to the increased risk of developing heart failure, Gp 4 MG Tablet should be used with extreme caution if you have cardiovascular disease (conditions that affect the heart and blood vessels). To use this medication safely, your doctor may alter your dosage or regularly monitor your cardiac functions.

Kidney disease

If you have a medical condition that affects your kidneys, you should take Gp 4 MG Tablet with caution, since a damaged kidney will not remove the medication fully. This increases the amount of unneeded medication in your body, resulting in severe negative effects. In such circumstances, you may require dose modifications or an alternative medication.

Liver disease

If you have liver difficulties, you should use Gp 4 MG Tablet with caution, since a damaged liver will not adequately break down and absorb this medication. This leads in a higher concentration of the drug in the body, which might lead to toxicity. Your doctor may recommend an alternate medication or change the dosage to ensure the safe use of this medication.

Haemolytic Anaemia/G6PD Deficiency

Gp 4 MG Tablet is contraindicated if you have a history of Haemolytic anaemia (a disorder in which red blood cells are destroyed faster than they can be produced) or G6PD deficiency (a genetic condition that causes red blood cells to break down), as this medication can cause a decrease in red blood cell count, worsening your condition. If necessary, see your doctor about dose modifications or other medications.

General Instructions

As suggested by your physician, Gp 4 MG Tablet must be taken with meals. Do not discontinue this medication despite feeling better after a few doses.

Alcohol should be avoided when taking this medication, as it might raise blood sugar levels. This medication may make your skin photosensitive. Therefore, apply sunscreen or wear long sleeves to prevent skin irritations.

This medication can produce a dip in blood sugar, which can cause dizziness. Always have a supply of glucose, such as sweets, that can raise your blood sugar level quickly. Having a healthy lifestyle is essential when using this medication. Avoid stress, engage in daily exercise, and consume a nutritious diet in order to control diabetes.


Consumable with food

To be taken as directed by the physician

May induce drowsiness

How it operates

Gp 4 MG Tablet works by boosting insulin production from the pancreas and regulating glucose release from the liver.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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