ECOSPRIN AV 75 MG 15 Tablets


Brand Name:  Ecosprin AV

Name:  Aspirin and Atorvastatin

Strength:   75 mg

Pills per order:  15 tablets

Production Company:  USV PVT

Used for: anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning/antiplatelet agents used for pain treatment, heart attack prevention, and stroke prevention.

Ecosprin AV 75 

Ecosprin AV 75 is a blood-thinning/antiplatelet agent belonging to the classes of anti-inflammatory and blood-thinning/antiplatelet medications. Its utility is dependent on its potency. Ecosprin AV 75 is a blood-thinning or antiplatelet medication used in low doses to prevent heart attacks and strokes (approximately 75 mg). In excessive concentrations, however (approximately 325 mg), it acts as an analgesic, reducing minor aches, pains, and fevers. Ecosprin AV 75 may also be prescribed immediately following a heart attack to prevent blood blockages and deterioration of cardiac tissue. A heart attack is a condition characterized by obstructed blood flow due to constricted arteries. This obstruction is caused by the accumulation of fat, cholesterol, and other substances (plaque) in the arteries.

Ecosprin AV 75 functions as a blood thinner for heart-related blood coagulation issues at low doses, and as an analgesic or pain reliever at high doses. Anti-platelet activity of Ecosprin AV 75 assists in blood thinning, thereby reducing the risk of blood clot formation and subsequent heart attack. Aspirin at moderate doses reduces blood viscosity, thereby lowering the risk of heart attack and stroke. It also inhibits the activities of cyclooxygenase (COX) and prostaglandins (PGs), which cause inflammation, edema, pain, and fever.

It is permisible to take Ecosprin AV 75 with or without sustenance. With a tumbler of water, it must be ingested in its entirety. It must not be bitten, fractured, or bit. The frequency with which you should take your medications will be determined by your doctor based on your medical condition. Ecosprin AV 75 can be administered orally, rectal, or intravenously (IV). Stomach distress, heartburn, fatigue, a moderate headache, ankle swelling (oedema), a sluggish pulse rate, and vertigo are all potential adverse effects. Ecosprin AV 75 is known to induce vertigo, so driving should be avoided while taking it. The majority of these Ecosprin AV 75 side effects do not necessitate medical attention and diminish over time. However, if the negative effects persist, consult a physician.

Alcohol, pain relievers (ibuprofen, ketorolac), and the abortion pill (mifepristone) can increase the risk of gastric or gastrointestinal hemorrhage when taken in conjunction with Ecosprin AV 75. Children with influenza, fever, or varicella should not be administered Ecosprin AV 75 unless prescribed by their doctor. Ecosprin AV 75 has the ability to cause Reye syndrome. (a rare but severe condition characterized by brain and liver enlargement that is prevalent among adolescents) Due to the risk of injury to the fetus, Ecosprin AV 75 should not be administered during the third trimester of pregnancy. Ecosprin AV 75 is excreted in breast milk and may have adverse effects on a lactating infant. Consult your doctor prior to using Ecosprin AV 75 if you are expectant, planning a pregnancy, or nursing.

Numerous individuals who take Ecosprin AV 75 do not experience significant side effects. Consult your physician if you experience stomach pain, moderate dyspepsia, easy bruising or bleeding, hearing difficulties, ringing in the ears, dark urine, a change in the quantity of urine, persistent or severe nausea/vomiting, unexplained fatigue, vertigo, or yellowing of the eyes/skin (jaundice). Ecosprin AV 75 may increase the risk of gastrointestinal (stomach/intestinal), intracranial (brain), and other forms of internal hemorrhage. Ecosprin AV 75 should only be administered after consulting a physician.

Ecosprin AV 75 is used for the treatment of pain, the prevention of heart attacks, and the treatment of strokes.


Medicinal Advantages

In modest doses, Ecosprin AV 75 functions as a blood thinner, preventing blood cells from adhering together and clotting in the heart’s arteries. This decreases the likelihood of future heart attacks and strokes. A high dose of Ecosprin AV 75 inhibits the cyclooxygenase (COX) and prostaglandins (PGs) that cause inflammation, edema, discomfort, and fever. As a consequence, it functions as both a blood thinner and analgesic, diminishing pain while reducing the risk of heart attack or stroke.

Use Instructions

Ecosprin AV 75 should only be consumed if prescribed by a physician. Always adhere to your physician’s directions when taking Ecosprin AV 75. To avoid gastrointestinal distress, take Ecosprin AV 75 with sustenance. Take Ecosprin AV 75 with an entire glass of water. Before swallowing, avoid crushing or chewing.

Place in a cold, dry area out of direct sunlight.

Ecosprin AV 75 Side Effects

As with all medications, Ecosprin AV 75 can cause side effects, but not everyone experiences them. Common Ecosprin AV 75 side effects include stomach upset, heartburn, easy bruising/bleeding, difficulty hearing, whistling in the ears, change in the quantity of urine, persistent or severe nausea/vomiting, unexplained fatigue, vertigo, dark urine, and yellowing eyes/skin. (jaundice). Inform your physician if any of these adverse effects persist. Your doctor may advise you to reduce your dosage or cease taking this medication.

Drug Recommendations

Avoid consuming alcohol, pain relievers (such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or ketorolac), and the abortion pill while taking Ecosprin AV 75. (mifepristone). Together, the risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage increases, and Ecosprin AV 75 becomes less effective at preventing heart attack and stroke. Children with influenza, fever, or varicella should not be administered Ecosprin AV 75 unless prescribed by their doctor. Ecosprin AV 75 has the ability to cause Reye syndrome. (a rare but critical condition characterized by brain and liver enlargement that is common in children) Due to the risk of injury to the fetus, Ecosprin AV 75 should not be administered during the third trimester of pregnancy. Ecosprin AV 75 is excreted in breast milk and may have adverse effects on a lactating infant. Consult your doctor prior to using Ecosprin AV 75 if you are expectant, planning a pregnancy, or nursing. Aspirin may increase the risk of gastrointestinal (stomach/intestinal), intracranial (brain), and other types of internal hemorrhage. Aspirin may interfere with laboratory tests, such as urine sugar assays, leading to erroneous results. Inform lab personnel and physicians that you are taking Ecosprin AV 75. Before using Ecosprin AV 75, inform your doctor if you have a gastric ulcer, a bleeding disorder, low Vitamin K levels, aspirin-induced asthma, an allergy to Aspirin or other pain relievers, renal disease, liver disease, diabetes, or if you are undergoing surgery.

Interactions Between Drugs

Aspirin has been found to interact with a number of other medications. Blood thinners (warfarin, heparin, phenindione, clopidogrel), immune-related drugs (cyclosporin, tacrolimus), high blood pressure medications (captopril, metoprolol), heart disease medications (acetazolamide, digoxin), antidepressants (fluoxetine, sertraline, lithium), pain relievers (ketorolac, naproxen, ibuprofen), steroids, and gout medication (pro (oral alendronate).

Drug-Food Interaction: Combining Aspirin with alcohol, caffeine, or herbal supplements such as ginkgo biloba can reduce the efficacy of the medication and increase the risk of adverse effects.

People with a disorder of blood clotting (hemophilia), bleeding disorder, von Willebrand’s disease, or telangiectasia, asthma, liver/kidney disease, gastric or intestinal ulcer, or severe cardiac problems that cause shortness of breath should not use Ecosprin AV 75.

Safety Suggestions


It is not recommended to consume alcohol while taking Aspirin, as the combination may exacerbate adverse effects such as stomach ulcers and gastric bleeding.


Only take if your doctor has prescribed it.


Aspirin should only be taken as directed because it is known to pass to the infant in a limited amount via breast milk.




If you have a history of liver disease or condition, you should use aspirin cautiously. Your physician may need to adjust your dosage.


Use aspirin with caution if you have a history of kidney disease or disorder. Your physician may need to adjust your dosage.

No habit formation

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

Aspirin therapy is advantageous when combined with a low-cholesterol diet and regular physical activity.

Because alcohol can increase the risk of gastrointestinal hemorrhage, it should be avoided (stomach bleeding).

Diets high in cholesterol should be avoided to reduce the risk of heart attack; instead, consume foods that are heart-healthy.

It is recommended that, for a speedy recovery, you refrain from consuming junk food from outside sources, adhere to freshly prepared home-cooked meals, and get plenty of rest.

In addition, replacing the majority of your saturated fats with unsaturated fats will quickly reduce your total and LDL cholesterol.

Avocados, olive oil, fatty salmon, and almonds are rich in heart-healthy unsaturated lipids; therefore, consuming them daily is beneficial.


Aspirin is capable of causing gastrointestinal hemorrhage. If the hemorrhaging does not cease, consult a physician.

Additional Information: This item is non-refundable.

Concerns of Patients

Plaque (fat/cholesterol) deposited on the arterial walls that supply the heart with blood causes a heart attack when it obstructs the passage of blood to the heart (coronary arteries). Plaque can fragment and create blood clots, which can impede blood flow. In contrast, a stroke is a medical emergency in which the brain’s blood flow is reduced or obstructed, preventing brain cells (neurons) from receiving sufficient oxygen and nutrients. As a consequence, brain cells begin to perish within minutes.


Aspirin could cause gastrointestinal distress. To avoid this, take Aspirin after a meal or as directed by your doctor.

Aspirin is utilized to dilute the blood. It prevents platelets (a type of blood cell) from sticking together and aggregating.

In the majority of cases, your physician will advise you to cease taking aspirin a few days before surgery to prevent excessive blood loss.

Reye’s syndrome is an uncommon and fatal condition that typically affects infants given Aspirin to treat viral infections such as chicken pox and smallpox.

Aspirin can cause gastrointestinal hemorrhage, which can be exacerbated by concurrent alcohol consumption. If the hemorrhaging persists, consult a physician and observe his or her instructions.

If you have asthma, hay fever, or any other chronic respiratory disease, taking aspirin could trigger an asthma attack or worsen your health. Consult your doctor before using Ecosprin AV 75 if you have asthma.

Aspirin’s ability to prevent heart attack and stroke as a blood thinner may be diminished if taken daily with ibuprofen.

Aspirin is not recommended for abdominal pain treatment. If you experience gastrointestinal pain, it could be a sign of gastric bleeding or indigestion, which are adverse effects of Aspirin.

It can reduce gastrointestinal discomfort when taken with milk or a refreshment.

A juvenile or adolescent should not take Ecosprin AV 75 if they have the flu, varicella, or an unidentified illness. In addition, if they have recently been immunized, consuming aspirin may increase their risk of developing Reye’s syndrome, a rare but fatal illness. Your physician will decide whether or not to prescribe medication for infants and adolescents.

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Chemical Name


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