DUZELA 60 10 tablets


Brand Name:  Duzela 

Name:  Duloxetine 

Strength:   60 mg

Pills per order:  10 pills

Production Company:   Sun Pharmaceuticals 

Used for: Antidepressant primarily used for the treatment of depression and anxiety

Duzela 60 mg

Duzela 60 mg belongs to the class of drugs known as antidepressants. Typically, it is used to treat sadness and anxiety. It can also be used to treat neuropathic pain in women, such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy-related fibromyalgia, and stress urinary incontinence in men. Depression is a mental disease or ailment that significantly impairs day-to-day functioning as a result of a persistently negative mood or loss of interest in activities. Anxiety is a moderate to severe feeling of unease, such as fear or concern. Fibromyalgia, often known as fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS), is a condition characterized by widespread chronic pain. Urinary incontinence refers to the unintentional loss of pee. It is thought that millions of people are impacted by this common problem.

Antidepressant and serotonin-noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor; 60 mg Duzela (SNRI). It functions by boosting the levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and noradrenaline in the brain. Duzela 60 mg works by balancing negative emotions, enhancing mood and sleep, and enabling an individual to live a happy life. In this manner, Duzela 60 mg alleviates depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, neuropathic pain, fibromyalgia, and additional conditions.

Depending on the patient’s health condition, the physician would prescribe a variety of Duzela 60 mg dosage strengths. This medication is a capsule that must be swallowed whole, without being broken, chewed, or otherwise opened. Up to four weeks may pass before the symptoms improve. When taking 60 mg of Duzela, blood pressure should be monitored more frequently.

Immediately seek medical attention if you suffer a severe adverse reaction after taking Duzela 60 mg, such as a sore throat, fever, hives, difficulty breathing, or other symptoms. Common adverse effects include drowsiness, nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, increased sweating, and others. Even if their condition improves, a person using this medicine is not permitted to quit or reduce their dosage without consulting their physician. This medication might cause unpleasant side effects including nausea, irritability, and confusion.

Alcohol use while taking this medication may increase the risk of liver damage. You cannot take Duzela 60 mg if you have taken an MAO inhibitor such as methylene blue injection, phenelzine, selegiline, or tranylcypromine during the last 5 or 14 days. It may result in a harmful drug interaction. Do not drive if you experience mood or symptom changes.

Duzela 60 mg is utilized for numerous uses.

fibromyalgia, severe depressive disorder, anxiety disorder, diabetic neuropathic pain, and persistent muscle or joint discomfort.

Medicinal Advantages

Duzela 60 mg is an antidepressant and antianxiety drug. This medicine is also used to treat diabetic neuropathy-related nerve pain, as well as arthritis- and back-related chronic pain. This drug restores the brain’s normal chemical equilibrium of serotonin and norepinephrine. In addition to enhancing patients’ mood, appetite, sleep, and energy levels, this medication induces a sense of calmness in the body.

Use Instructions

The doctor will recommend the dosage strength dependent on the disease to be treated. The 60 mg capsule form of Duzela should be swallowed whole without crushing, chewing, breaking, or opening. To achieve faster results, do not increase or decrease the dosage, as doing so may have adverse effects. This medication can be taken with or without food, however it is more effective when used on an empty stomach or with a light meal. This medication takes around four weeks to take effect, but you should continue taking it until your doctor tells you to stop. The abrupt discontinuation of the medicine may result in nausea, anxiety, sweating, disorientation, confusion, numbness, and tingling. If you wish to stop taking the medication, you should consult your physician first, since he or she may cut the dosage before you stop completely.


Place in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.

Duzela 60 mg Side Effects

In addition to the desirable effects, Duzela 60 mg may cause drowsiness, tiredness, hypersomnia, insomnia, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, body aches or pain, cough, dry mouth, frequent urination, headache, loss of appetite, muscle aches, sleepiness, sneezing, dizziness, and headache. However, some of the undesirable effects do not demand medical treatment. These side effects will subside with time; they appear first as the body adjusts to the new medication and will diminish over time. Immediately seek medical attention if you suffer a severe adverse reaction after taking Duzela 60 mg, such as a sore throat, fever, hives, difficulty breathing, or other symptoms.

Drug Recommendations

Duloxetine should not be taken within 5 days of taking an MAO inhibitor, such as rasagiline, selegiline, or linezolid, or within 14 days of discontinuing its usage, as this could result in serious drug interactions. Without first seeing a physician, discontinuing Duzela could result in serious withdrawal symptoms. During your session, inform your doctor if you are experiencing heart problems, high blood pressure, liver or kidney disease, poor digestion, or a seizure. If you are pregnant or nursing, you must inform your physician. As these medications induce sleepiness, you should avoid engaging in potentially hazardous activities. Rather, rest.

Interactions Between Drugs

Antiplatelet drugs such as clopidogrel, ‘blood thinners’ such as warfarin, NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, some quinolone antibiotics such as ciprofloxacin, MAO inhibitors such as linezolid, and other drugs may interfere with this treatment.

Drug-food Duzela may interact with alcohol, so avoiding it is recommended if you wish to avoid liver damage.

Drug-disease Interaction: Inform your doctor of your medical history and any ongoing diseases, as certain conditions, including manic-depression, suicidal thoughts, alcoholism, serotonin syndrome, closed-angle glaucoma, high blood pressure, orthostatic hypotension, a type of low blood pressure, and chronic liver inflammation, limit the use of certain medications.

Safety Suggestions


The negative effects of the substance, such as confusion, fatigue, and difficulties concentrating, may be increased by alcohol consumption. Certain individuals may find it tough to perform mental labor. While being treated with this medication, alcohol use should be limited.


Duzela should only be taken during pregnancy if prescribed by a physician. Because this prescription increases the risk of birth defects, you must contact your doctor if you are pregnant.


Due to the fact that Duzela might enter breast milk, it is essential to inform your doctor if you are breastfeeding a child. Duzela may only be used during breastfeeding if prescribed by a physician.


Because Duzela can impair a person’s ability to drive or make them drowsy, they should avoid driving or performing any task that demands focus.


Duzela is exclusively prescribed to patients with liver disease. If you have a history of liver disease, you should inform your doctor.


Duloxetine is not advised for those with severe renal disease.

Habit formation is possible.

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

Consume nourishing meals to improve your mood. Eliminating junk food is the simplest solution. Replace foods high in saturated fats with those high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, such as fish, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, and olive oil.

Neurotransmitters, which are composed of amino acids, are necessary for mental wellness. Include amino acids in your diet because they can enhance your mental health.

Physical activity is the most efficient method for calming the body since it encourages the creation of antidepressants, which reduces depression.

If you are overweight, you should aim to lose weight and maintain a BMI-adjusted healthy weight in order to improve your self-esteem and overall health.

Meditation is the most efficient method for relieving stress and relaxing the body.

Breathing exercises will enable you to calm your mind and sleep better.

Due to the fact that remaining awake in bed does not aid in brain relaxation, a full night’s sleep is required. Therefore, get seven to eight hours of peaceful sleep.


Do not alter your dosage regimen without first seeing your doctor.

Other details: This item is non-refundable.

Glossary of Diseases and Conditions

Major depressive disorder is a mental condition that affects a person’s mood, behavior, and physical activities. Depression is characterized by a decreased interest in daily activities, altered appetite, unanticipated weight loss or gain, altered sleeping patterns, restlessness, slower mobility, speech, and weariness.

GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) is a mental disorder that leads individuals to worry excessively. Common signs and symptoms of GAD include fatigue, shaking, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, sleeping, feeling jumpy or disoriented, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and shortness of breath.

Diabetes-related neuropathy is a condition in which elevated blood sugar levels harm the body’s nerves. This condition primarily impacts the nerves in the legs and feet. Frequent symptoms include bloating, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and dizziness.

The symptoms of fibromyalgia include physical discomfort, difficulty sleeping, tiredness, cognitive difficulties, and mood swings. It can begin at any age and disproportionately affects women. Pain can be caused by physical damage, hormonal changes, or psychological trauma. Fibromyalgia is defined by pain lasting at least three months, exhaustion, difficulty falling or staying asleep, shortness of breath, headaches, memory problems, trouble concentration, or anxiety.


Alcohol is permitted for Duzela residents because it may exacerbate depression symptoms.

Duzela is not intrinsically addictive; however, prolonged or excessive use might lead to drug dependence. Therefore, you should only take this medication at the time prescribed by your doctor. If you attempt to increase the dose in order to obtain faster results, you may wind up worsening the adverse effects.

If you have a liver issue and are suffering symptoms such as itching, dark urine, upper-right abdominal pain, or jaundice, you should not use this medication.

Inform your doctor if you take nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, aspirin, celecoxib, or others, as they may cause you to bleed easily when combined with Duloxetine.

Duzela should be avoided if a patient has taken an MAO inhibitor (Selegiline, for example) during the past 5 or 14 days, as this may result in a dangerous drug interaction.

Duzela may only be taken during pregnancy if prescribed by a physician; therefore, do not use it without first consulting a physician. To monitor the effects of medication on newborns, the pregnant woman’s name should be added to a registry of pregnant women.

There is no compelling evidence that Duzela decreases male or female fertility. However, if you are trying to conceive, you should consult your doctor before taking it.

If you’ve felt better for at least six months, your physician may suggest you to discontinue Duloxetine. If you have been taking Duloxetine for an extended period of time, your doctor may advise you to gradually reduce your dosage over several weeks or perhaps longer. This is to prevent any additional side effects that may emerge from discontinuing the drug.

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Chemical Name


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