
Brand Name:  Cyclofez

Name:     Cyclopentolate

Strength:   1%

Pills per order:   5 ML

Production Company:   Lyk-Lyka Labs

Used for:   Used to enlarge the pupil of the eye (preventing the eye from focusing) and to paralyze the lens temporarily before an eye examination or surgery.


CYCLOFEZ EYE DROP is a mydriatic-anticholinergic ocular drug used to dilate the pupil of the eye (preventing it from focusing) and momentarily paralyze the lens prior to an eye exam or surgery. Additionally, it is used to treat uveitis (eye inflammation) and to reduce inflammation (redness and edema) following cataract surgery.

Cyclopentolate, present in CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS, temporarily dilates (enlarges) the pupil of the eye and relaxes the eye muscles. It can also be used to treat eye irritation and inflammation. CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS dilates the pupil and relaxes the eye muscles, providing pain relief and allowing the inflamed eye area to rest and recuperate.

CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS are intended for use only on the exterior of the eyes. Follow your physician’s directions when applying CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS. Eye irritation, foreign body sensation, impaired vision, eye itching, stinging in the eyes, elevated intraocular pressure, and a searing sensation in the eye may occur in certain instances. The majority of these adverse effects of CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS are transient, do not require medical treatment, and diminish over time. However, if the negative effects persist, consult a physician.

Inform your doctor if you are allergic to CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS, if you have closed-angle glaucoma, Down’s syndrome, a brain injury or spastic paralysis (in children), or if you have cardiac problems. Consult your physician before using CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS if you are pregnant or nursing. If CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS are to be administered to children, a doctor should be consulted. In infants and young children, CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS may induce negative side effects such as behavioral abnormalities. Use caution when administering CYCLOFEZ Ocular DROPS to the elderly, as they may be more sensitive to adverse effects such as increased eye pressure. After using CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS, impaired vision may last up to 24 hours. Be cautious if you’re driving or doing anything else that requires clear vision. Because of this medication, your pupils may become more sensitive to light. Protect your eyes from the sun or bright light until its effects have subsided.

Eye examination, uveitis, and additional applications for CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS


Medicinal Advantages

Cyclopentolate, the active ingredient in CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS, is an anticholinergic medication commonly used prior to eye exams (refraction exams). CYCLOFEZ EYE DROP temporarily dilates (enlarges) the ocular pupil and relaxes the eye muscles. Additionally, it is utilized to treat anterior uveitis, an eye disorder. This painful eye disorder is caused by inflammation and discomfort in the eye. CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS dilates the pupil and relaxes the eye muscles, providing pain relief and allowing the inflamed eye area to rest and recuperate.

Utilize Directions

Available as eye drops, CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS can be purchased.

Before and after using eye drops, thoroughly cleanse your hands with water. With the dropper, administer the prescribed amount and squeeze out a single drop without contacting the eye. Using a tissue, absorb any excess liquid. Do not clean or rinse the dropper tip after each use. Replace the pipette and secure the bottle’s cap. Touching the dropper’s tip could contaminate the contents. When administering the drop, avoid placing the point directly into the eye. If the dropper contacts the eye, squeeze two to three droplets onto a tissue and wipe the tip of the dropper with seawater. After completing the prescribed course of treatment or within four weeks of opening the bottle, discard any unused medication.

Place in a cold, dry area out of direct sunlight.

CYCLOFEZ EYE DROP Adverse Reactions

The eyes are irritated by the sensation of a foreign body in the eyes.

Vision is cloudy.

Affected eye

Pupils that itch

Intraocular pressure has risen.

The eyes are searing.

Recommendations for Drugs

Inform your physician if you are allergic to CYCLOPENTOLATE or any other drugs. Inform your doctor if you have high intraocular pressure (closed-angle glaucoma), Down syndrome, brain injury or spastic paralysis (in children), or cardiac problems before using CYCLOPENTOLATE. Inform your physician if you are pregnant or lactating before taking CYCLOPENTOLATE. Because the safety and efficacy of CYCLOPENTOLATE have not been established, it is not advised for infants younger than 28 days. Use caution when administering CYCLOPENTOLATE to neonates, young children, or the elderly, as they may be more susceptible to the drug’s adverse effects, including increased eye pressure. Before taking CYCLOPENTOLATE, inform your physician of all other medications you are currently taking. Before administering the drops, your physician will instruct you to remove your contact lenses. Therefore, do not insert your contact lenses until the effects of the eye solutions have completely worn off. After using CYCLOPENTOLATE, your vision may become temporarily cloudy. Do not drive, operate machinery, or participate in any other activity requiring clear vision until you are certain you can do so safely. If you use CYCLOPENTOLATE, your pupils may become more light-sensitive. Wear dark sunglasses outdoors to safeguard your eyes from harsh light.

Interactions Among Medications

Interactions with other medications: CYCLOPENTOLATE interacts with antipsychotics (clozapine) and cholinergic agonists (donepezil) (methacholine, acetylcholine ophthalmic, bethanechol, carbachol ophthalmic).

No drug-food interactions were identified.

Due to drug-disease interactions, CYCLOPENTOLATE should not be administered to patients with angle-closure glaucoma, Down syndrome, brain injury or spastic paralysis (in children), or cardiac disease.

Emergency Suggestions


When taking medication, it is essential to avoid alcohol.


The drug CYCLOPENTOLATE is categorized as Pregnancy Category C. It is unknown whether CYCLOPENTOLATE will cause damage to a pregnant woman or her unborn child. Therefore, it should only be taken if prescribed by a physician who believes the benefits outweigh the risks.


Uncertainty exists as to whether or not CYCLOPENTOLATE is excreted in breast milk. Before using CYCLOPENTOLATE while lactating, consult your physician.




LIVER CYCLOPENTOLATE may be utilized to treat eye infections in patients with liver disorders.


Eye infections can be treated with KIDNEY CYCLOPENTOLATE in persons with renal disease.

No habits formed

Diet and Lifestyle Advice

Maintain the cleanliness and absence of irritants in your eyes by practicing excellent hygiene.

Even if some eye medications irritate your eyes, you should not touch them.

Learn your allergen triggers, such as pollen, pollution, and others.

To renew your eyes in a natural manner, you must slumber for at least six to eight hours.

Wash your eyes at least twice or three times per day with pure water.

Manage your stress, consume well, drink enough water, engage in regular exercise, and get sufficient rest.

To prevent infection, thoroughly cleanse your hands and avoid touching the dropper before using drops.

Reduce screen time (by not viewing television or talking on the phone) and wear sunglasses when going outside.


Wear dark sunglasses outdoors to safeguard your eyes from harsh light.

Use caution when administering CYCLOPENTOLATE to infants, young children, or elderly patients, as they may be more sensitive to its adverse effects, especially mental/mood disorders and increased intraocular pressure.

Additional Information: This item cannot be returned.

Priorities of Patients

Uveitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of the central membrane of the eye (uvea). The most common type is iritis, an inflammation of the iris (anterior uveitis). Symptoms include eye redness, discomfort, and impaired vision.


Cyclopentolate, present in CYCLOFEZ EYE DROPS, temporarily dilates (enlarges) the pupil of the eye and relaxes the eye muscles. It can also be used to treat eye irritation and inflammation.

When taking CYCLOPENTOLATE, contact lenses should not be worn. Before inserting the contact lens, at least wait until the effects of the eye solutions have worn off.

Frequent CYCLOPENTOLATE side effects include eye irritation, foreign body sensation in the eyes, impaired vision, eye itching, stinging in the eyes, increased intraocular pressure, and eye searing sensation. These side effects are negligible and brief.

After administration, CYCLOPENTOLATE may take up to a half-hour to exert its full effect. Effects can last up to 24 hours, although they may persist longer depending on the patient’s condition.

For a brief time period, CYCLOPENTOLATE may cause blurred vision. In such situations, refrain from driving or operating apparatus until you feel better. Consult a doctor if the effect lasts for an extended period of time.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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