BANDY TAB 1 Tablet


Brand Name: Bandy Tablet

Name: Albendazole (400 mg) and Ivermectin (6 mg)

Strength:   Albendazole (400 mg) and Ivermectin (6 mg)

Pills per order:  1  tablets

Production Company:   Mankind

Used for:  Anthelmintic:  a combination drug used to treat intestinal worm infections as well as roundworm-related blood illnesses (microfilaremia).


Bandy pills are manufactured by MANKIND PHARMACEUTICALS LTD. They contain Albendazole (400 mg) and Ivermectin (6 mg).


Bandy Tablet is a combination medication used to treat both intestinal and roundworm-related blood diseases (microfilaremia). Patients who weigh less than 30 kg should not use this drug.


Bandy Tablet Side Effects

Bandy Tablet Fever includes both significant and minor adverse effects.

Eruptions on the skin Muscle soreness

The heart rate has accelerated.


Swelling of the face, arms, hands, or lower legs or feet.



Appetite reduction

discomfort in the abdomen

Vomissements or Nausea


Urine with a dark color

Temporary Hair Loss

Enhanced Liver Enzyme Activity

Allergic Reaction of the Skin

Bruising and bleeding

Insufficiency of breath An unusual level of fatigue

What is Bandy Tablet’s purpose?

Microfilaremia (intestinal helminthiasis)

Bandy Tablet frequently asked questions

How long does it take for this treatment to begin working?

In clinical trials, the duration of this treatment’s effectiveness has not been evaluated.

How long do the effects of this medication last?

In clinical trials, the duration of this treatment’s activity in the body has not been identified.

Can alcohol be used while taking this medication?

Alcohol use is not permitted while using this medicine. By increasing the dosage of the medication, alcohol may cause severe adverse effects such as a skin rash, headache, disorientation, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Is Bandy Tablet a substance that may cause addiction?

No indicators of habit formation were present.

Is it safe during pregnancy to use Bandy Tablet?

Women who are pregnant should not take this medication unless absolutely necessary. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. Depending on your clinical condition, your physician may recommend a safer option.

Is it safe to use this medication while nursing?

Unless absolutely necessary, breastfeeding mothers should not use this medication. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

When should the Bandy Tablet not be used?

Patients with a known allergy to albendazole, other benzimidazoles, ivermectin, or any inactive ingredients found in these medications should not take this medication.

Bandy Tablet Cautionary Notes


Women who are pregnant should not take this medication unless absolutely necessary. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor. Depending on your clinical condition, your physician may recommend a safer option.


Unless absolutely necessary, breastfeeding mothers should not use this medication. Before using this medicine, discuss the risks and benefits with your doctor.

General Bandy Tablet warnings

Destruction of Bone Marrow

This medicine may reduce the quantity of white blood cells by interfering with the function of bone marrow. Depending on the clinical scenario, it may be necessary to closely monitor white blood cell levels. In certain instances, replacement with a suitable alternative may be necessary.

Pathologies of the Liver

Because it may increase liver enzyme levels, this medication should be used with caution in patients with liver disease. The liver enzyme levels of these patients should be constantly examined. Depending on the clinical circumstances, a suitable substitute may be necessary.

Impairment of the retina

Due to the increased risk of retinal damage, those with a history of eye diseases such as retinal lesions should use this medication with caution. Before beginning treatment with this medication, you should disclose all of your medical conditions to your doctor. In certain instances, depending on the clinical condition, a suitable substitution may be required.

Bandy Tablet Dosage

Dose Missed

It is essential that the missed dose be taken as quickly as possible. If your next scheduled dose is nearing, you should skip the missed one. To compensate for a missing dose, do not take more medication.


In the event of an overdose, seek immediate medical care or contact a physician.

Bandy Tablet Interactions

Each medication has a distinct effect on every individual. Before taking any drug, discuss the potential adverse effects with your doctor.

Instructions for Interaction with Alcohol

Alcohol use is not permitted while using this medicine. By increasing the dosage of the medication, alcohol may cause severe adverse effects such as a skin rash, headache, disorientation, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.

Medicine and Interaction



Disease interactions with oxcarbazepine, phenytoin, and warfarin

Interactions with food

Grapefruit juice should not be taken when taking this medication, as it raises the likelihood of severe adverse effects.

Bandy Tablet General Instructions

Follow your physician’s directions for administering this medication. Do not exceed or fall short of the authorized dosage. Consult your doctor if you experience any negative side effects. Ensure the treatment program has been completed. Do not discontinue this medicine without first consulting your physician.

How does the Bandy Tablet work?

Albendazole functions by interfering with the vital functions of the worm’s body. The worm’s vitality is depleted, and it ultimately perishes. Ivermectin produces paralysis in the parasite, resulting in the parasite’s death. Therefore, their combination is more effective in treating worm disorders.

Categorization: Antihelmintics

Additional information

Chemical Name


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