ANARIDEX 1MG 10 tablets


Brand Name:  Anaridex

Chemical Name:  Anastrozole

Strength of Each Tablet:  1 mg

Tablets per order:  10 tablets per sleeve

Production Company:  Maxmed Life Science

Used for:   Post Cycle Therapy, PCT, SERM, Bodybuilding, Breast Cancer, anti-estrogen, Aromatase Inhibitor

Anaridex 1mg  

Anaridex 1mg Tablet belongs to the class of anti-cancer drugs known as aromatase inhibitors, which are used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women (cessation of menses periods). Breast cancer is a cancer that arises in breast cells encouraged by estrogen, the female sex hormone.

Anaridex 1mg Tablet acts by inhibiting aromatase, an enzyme involved in the production of the estrogen hormone. For their proliferation, cancer cells require estrogen. Therefore, by inhibiting aromatase, Anaridex 1mg Tablet stops the proliferation of cancer cells. Together, Anaridex 1mg Tablet helps prevent or stop the spread of malignancies (cancer cells) to other regions of the body.

Take one 1mg Anaridex tablet as recommended by your doctor. You should take Anaridex 1mg Tablet for as long as your physician prescribes, based on the severity of your medical condition. In certain instances, you may develop headaches, musculoskeletal discomfort, hot flashes, nausea, skin rashes, osteoporosis, and weakness. If you suffer any of these side effects persistently, do not hesitate to consult with your doctor.

To effectively treat your disease, continue taking Anaridex 1 mg Tablet for as long as your doctor directs. Do not discontinue Anaridex 1 mg Tablet mid-course. Consult your physician before to using Anaridex 1mg Tablet if you have allergies, osteoporosis (bone weakening), bone fractures, a high cholesterol level, severe liver illness, or renal disease. Do not use Anaridex 1 mg Tablet if you are pregnant or nursing. Anaridex 1 mg Tablet causes weakness and dizziness; thus, only operate a vehicle if you are aware. Children should not be given Anaridex 1 mg Tablet since its safety has not been verified. Consuming alcohol while taking Anaridex 1 mg Tablet may enhance sleepiness and vertigo. Before using Anaridex 1mg Tablet, discuss your medical history and medicines with your doctor in order to rule out the possibility of negative effects.


Uses of Anaridex

Breast cancer

Medicinal Benefits

Anaridex 1mg Tablet is a member of the class of anti-cancer drugs known as aromatase inhibitors. Anaridex 1 mg Tablet is utilized to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women (cessation of periods). Breast cancer is a kind of cancer that originates in breast cells that have been driven by estrogen, a female sex hormone. Anaridex 1 mg Tablet functions by inhibiting aromatase, an enzyme involved in the manufacture of estrogens. For their growth, cancer cells require estrogen, hence inhibiting the enzyme Anaridex 1mg Tablet stops cancer cell proliferation. Consequently, Anaridex 1mg Tablet helps delay or stop the growth and/or spread of tumors to other regions of the body.

For male bodybuilders who utilize anabolic steroids, Anaridex 1 mg can be an effective antiestrogen. It is commonly used with Nolvadex to prevent estrogen-related adverse effects. When combined with medications like Propecia (finasteride), the prognosis is improved. With Anastrozole inhibiting estrogen synthesis and finasteride blocking testosterone conversion to DHT (dihydrotestosterone), you have an effective combination for reducing the negative effects of these hormones (estrogen and DHT) in bodybuilding. Propecia is a selective inhibitor of 5a-reductase, the enzyme responsible for the conversion of testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Propecia decreases the blood levels of DHT, hence reducing androgenic side effects such as male pattern baldness.

Directions for Use

Anaridex 1 mg Tablet may be taken with or without meals. Do not chew or crush the pill; consume it whole with a full glass of water. Take Anastrozole daily at the same time. Anastrozole should not be used without a doctor’s prescription. Based on your medical condition, your physician will determine how long you must take Anastrozole.


Place in a cool, dry location out of direct sunlight.

Side Effects of Anastrozole

Anastrozole, like many medications, can produce adverse effects, albeit not everyone experiences them. Common adverse effects of Anastrozole include headache, musculoskeletal (bone, muscle, or joint) discomfort, heat flashes, nausea, skin rashes, osteoporosis, and weakness. The majority of these adverse effects do not necessitate medical care and subside with time. However, if the adverse effects continue, see your physician.

Drug Warnings

Do not use Anastrozole if you are allergic to any of its ingredients and have not yet reached menopause (still get your periods). To effectively treat your disease, continue taking Anastrozole for as long as your doctor directs. Do not discontinue Anastrozole midway. Consult your physician before to using Anastrozole if you have allergies, osteoporosis (bone weakening), bone fractures, a high cholesterol level, severe liver illness, or renal disease. Avoid using Anastrozole during pregnancy or during nursing. Anastrozole causes weakness and vertigo, so only operate a vehicle if you are attentive. Children should not be administered anastrozole since its safety has not been proved. Consuming alcohol while taking Anastrozole may enhance sleepiness and cause dizziness. Before using Anastrozole, discuss your medical history and medicines with your doctor to rule out negative effects.

Drug Interactions

Drug-Drug Interactions: Combining thalidomide (immunomodulatory medication) and anastrozole can raise the risk of life-threatening blood clots. Age, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol further raise the risk.

There were no food-drug interactions detected.

Anastrozole should not be used to people with excessive cholesterol, osteoporosis (bone weakening), cardiovascular disease, or liver illness.

Safety Advice


Alcohol drinking should be avoided when taking Anastrozole to prevent undesirable side effects. Alcohol consumption along with Anastrozole may induce sleepiness.


Because it harms the fetus, anastrozole should not be administered during pregnancy (newborn baby). Please visit your physician if you have any concerns about this.


Anastrozole should not be taken during breastfeeding since it enters breast milk and may be harmful to the infant. Contraindicated for use in nursing mothers.


Anastrozole may induce dizziness and sleepiness; if you feel dizzy, do not drive or operate heavy machinery.


Before using Anastrozole, you should visit a physician if you have or have had a history or signs of liver illness. Before prescribing it, your doctor will balance the advantages and any potential hazards.


Before using Anastrozole, you should visit a physician if you have or have had a history or signs of renal problems. Before prescribing it, your doctor will balance the advantages and any potential hazards.

Non-Habit Forming

Diet & Lifestyle Advise

Consume a nutritious diet and engage in regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.

Include in your diet leafy greens, citrus fruits, fatty fish, berries, yogurt, apples, peaches, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, beans, and herbs and spices.

Stay away from fast meals, fried foods, processed meats, refined carbohydrates, and added sugar.

Get ideal sleep, rest well.

Special Advise

Due to the lowering of estrogens in the body, your doctor may suggest you to test your body density before, during, and after therapy with Anastrozole. This is because Anastrozole may induce bone loss.

Anastrozole should be administered under the close supervision of a physician. The physician will routinely check your condition while you are on Anastrozole.

Other Information:  This item is Not Returnable.

Disease/Condition Glossary

Breast cancer is a kind of cancer that originates in breast cells that have been driven by estrogen, a female sex hormone. Breast cancer may develop in the lobules (milk-producing glands), ducts (the channel that transports milk from glands to the nipple), fatty tissue, or fibrous connective tissue of the breast. The tumor cells attack healthy breast cells and go to lymph nodes, which serve as the principal route for cancer cells to spread throughout the body. Breast cancer symptoms include a lump or tissue thickening that feels different than the normal surrounding tissues, breast pain, redness, swelling, nipple discharge other than breast milk, bloody discharge, unexplained change in the shape, size, or appearance of the breast, peeling, flaking, or scaling skin, and a lump or swelling under the arm.


You should not discontinue Anastrozole on your own. You should take Anastrozole for as long as your physician prescribes, based on the severity of your medical condition. If you have any difficulties while using Anastrozole, do not hesitate to consult your physician.

Due to its effect on estrogen levels, anastrozole may induce osteoporosis (thinning of the bones). Osteoporosis may be monitored with regular bone density testing. Contact your physician immediately if you get tendon discomfort or swelling while taking Anastrozole.

Appetite stimulation is a potential side effect of anastrozole. Nevertheless, it is uncommon. If you gain weight, consume a nutritious diet (low in calories) and engage in regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight.

The frequent side effect of anastrozole on hair is thinning, which leads to additional hair loss. Nevertheless, it is uncommon. Anastrozole may cause hair loss owing to its estrogen-lowering properties. These effects are not permanent and may recur in the future. If hair loss is a concern, you should advise your doctor about an alternate treatment.

Anastrozole may be administered at any time of day. Take it exactly as prescribed by your physician. Anastrozole may be taken with or without meals. Do not break or chew the pill.

Anastrozole functions by inhibiting aromatase, an enzyme involved in the production of the estrogen hormone. For their proliferation, cancer cells require estrogen. Therefore, by inhibiting aromatase, Anastrozole inhibits the proliferation of cancer cells. Together, Anastrozole helps prevent or halt the spread of tumors (cancer cells) to other regions of the body.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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