CERTICAN 0.5 MG 10 Tablets


Brand Name:  Certican

Name:  Everolimus

Strength:   0.5 mg

Pills per order:   10 Tablets

Production Company:  Novartis

Used for:   used to treat breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer and kidney cancer


Certican 0.5

Certican 0.5 is under the medicinal category known as “anti-cancer.” It is most frequently used to treat breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, and kidney cancer. Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in estrogen-driven breast cells. Cancer of the pancreas is defined as a malignant tumor that often originates in the cells that create digestive juices and hormones that regulate blood sugar levels. Lung cancer is the uncontrolled multiplication of abnormal cells in one or both lungs.

Certican 0.5 contains the medication ‘Everolimus,’ which belongs to the class of medicines known as kinase inhibitors. It functions by reducing the activity of the body’s immune system and preventing the transplanted organ from being rejected. It functions by preventing the action of an abnormal protein that promotes the multiplication of cancerous cells. This prevents the spread of cancerous cells.

Certican 0.5 should be taken precisely as prescribed by a physician. Depending on your medical condition, you must take Certican 0.5 for the prescribed duration. Possible symptoms include weakness, infection, inflammation of the sinuses, cough, diarrhea, fever, tiredness, otitis media (ear infection), stomatitis (mouth inflammation), and upper respiratory tract infection. The majority of the side effects of Certican 0.5 do not require medical treatment and diminish with time. Please consult your physician if the adverse effects persist or worsen.

Continue taking Certican 0.5 for as long as your physician suggests to treat your condition adequately. Inform your physician if you are allergic to Certican 0.5 or any other drugs. Certican 0.5 should not be used during pregnancy or while trying to conceive, as it may harm the fetus. Certican 0.5 should not be taken by nursing women because it may damage their infant. Certican 0.5 induces drowsiness; therefore, it is prudent not to drive unless you are totally alert. Because the elderly are more sensitive to medication, the dosage can be adjusted to meet their needs.

Certican 0.5 has been used to treat cancers of the breast, pancreas, lungs, and kidneys.


Medicinal Advantages

Certican 0.5 should be administered to patients with breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, kidney cancer, and stomach/intestinal cancer. This type of cancer has a strong tendency to spread to other parts of the body. Certican 0.5 is a medication that travels through the circulation and kills both cancerous and healthy cells. It functions by reducing the activity of the body’s immune system and preventing the transplanted organ from being rejected. It functions by preventing the action of an abnormal protein that promotes the multiplication of cancerous cells. This prevents the spread of cancerous cells. Additionally, it is beneficial for treating certain types of brain and kidney cancer in individuals with inherited disorders.

Use Instructions

Certican 0.5 can be taken with or without food, but must always be administered in the same manner. Certican 0.5 tablets should be swallowed whole with plenty of water; they should not be chewed or broken. Depending on your medical condition, you should take Certican 0.5 for as long as your doctor has given it.

Place in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.

Certican 0.5 Side Effects





Appetite loss.


Ulcers in the mouth

Inflammation of the nose




Sugar levels in the blood are too high (hyperglycemia)

Symptoms of a low red blood cell count (anemia)

Otitis media is a type of ear infection that affects (infection of ear)

Stomatitis is a condition that affects the mouth (Inflammation of the mouth)

Infection of the upper respiratory tract.

Arms, hands, feet, and ankles swell

Drug Recommendations

Inform your physician if you are allergic to Everolimus or any other drugs. Everolimus should not be administered to patients with liver disease, diabetes, or high cholesterol. You should not use Everolimus if you’ve recently undergone surgery or if you have an infection or hepatitis B. Before using Everolimus, discuss with your physician how the medication may influence your immune system. Everolimus may also impair renal function. Therefore, when using Everolimus, closely monitor your kidney function. Inform your doctor if you have coughing, fever, or shortness of breath while taking Everolimus. Notify your doctor if you experience nocturnal sweating, weight loss, or a change in the color or size of your mole while taking everolimus. Do not use Everolimus if you are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, as it may harm the unborn child. Everolimus should not be administered to nursing mothers since it could be harmful to the newborn. Because Everolimus can produce tiredness, you should avoid driving unless you are fully awake. Because the elderly are more sensitive to medication, the dosage can be adjusted to meet their needs.

Interactions Between Drugs

Everolimus may interact with antifungal drugs (ketoconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole, fluconazole), antibiotics (clarithromycin, telithromycin, erythromycin), anti-HIV drugs (ritonavir, efavirenz), blood pressure-lowering drugs (ramipril, verapamil, diltiazem), heart disease drugs (dronedarone), and medicines to stop abnormal cell growth I (phenytoin, carbamazepine, phenobarbital).

Due to a drug-food interaction, grapefruit and grapefruit juice must be avoided.

Due to drug-disease interactions, everolimus should not be administered to patients with liver disease, kidney disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, or infections.

Safety Suggestions


Alcohol use should be avoided when taking Everolimus to reduce the risk of negative effects.


Everolimus is a pregnancy category C medication. It is unsafe to use during pregnancy since it could harm the fetus. Everolimus should not be used during pregnancy.


Everolimus should not be administered to nursing mothers since it could be harmful to the newborn.


Everolimus can cause fatigue, therefore if you experience dizziness, do not drive or operate heavy machinery.


Everolimus should be administered with caution to people with liver disease. The doctor may alter the dosage based on the patient’s medical condition.


Everolimus is likely dangerous for patients with severe kidney disease, as it can cause kidney failure, which is a life-threatening condition. Use Everolimus only if your physician has prescribed it.

No habits formed

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

Avoid tobacco use and alcohol consumption.

Include in your daily diet leafy greens, citrus fruits, fatty fish, berries, yogurt, apples, peaches, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, beans, herbs, and spices.

Avoid eating fast meals, fried foods, processed meats, refined carbohydrates, and added sugar.

Rest well and enjoy a nice night’s sleep.

Yoga and other relaxation exercises can enhance your physical and mental health and reduce your stress levels.

Maintain a healthy weight by regularly engaging in low-stress exercises and consuming nutritious foods.


Everolimus should only be administered under the supervision of a physician. While you are taking Everolimus, your doctor will monitor you closely.

If your doctor does not prescribe immunizations or vaccinations, do not receive them.

Avoid contact with individuals who have just received live vaccines.

Additional Information: This item cannot be returned.

Concerns of Patients

Breast cancer is a type of cancer caused by estrogen, the female sex hormone, in breast cells. Breast cancer can develop in the lobules (milk-producing glands), ducts (the channel that delivers milk to the nipple), fatty tissue, and fibrous connective tissue of the breast. Tumor cells can infiltrate healthy breast cells and travel to lymph nodes, a frequent route for cancer cells to move to other organs.

Lung cancer arises when lung cells begin to proliferate uncontrollably. The most prevalent kind of lung cancer is non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). It occurs when the cells that line the lungs begin to proliferate uncontrollably. Smokers have an increased risk of developing lung cancer. A persistent cough accompanied by shortness of breath is a typical lung cancer symptom. Lung cancer cells spread and grow throughout the body via the circulatory system.

Cancer of the pancreas is a malignant neoplasm that typically arises in the cells that create digestive juices. The pancreas, a gland found beneath the stomach, secretes digestive fluids and hormones that help regulate blood sugar levels.

Your kidneys are the organs on either side of your spine just above your waist, which are located on either side of your spine. The tubes therein purify and filter the blood, remove waste foods, and produce urine. Cancer of the kidneys occurs in the lining of the tiny tubes that traverse the kidneys.


Everolimus is a medication used to treat cancer. It is a type of drug called a kinase inhibitor. It works by lowering blood flow to the tumor, which prevents the growth and spread of cancer cells.

Everolimus treatment does not have a specific time restriction. Everolimus is used until the patient has a therapeutic effect or develops toxic or serious side effects.

When taking Everolimus, grapefruit and grapefruit juice should be avoided. This is because taking them together could induce dangerously high blood levels of Everolimus. Avoid using live vaccines and interacting with individuals who have received live vaccines.

Everolimus can induce potentially deadly adverse effects such as severe allergic reactions, angioedema (painless swelling beneath the skin), and renal failure. It is possible that you will get an infection or experience pulmonary complications, such as breathing difficulty.

The majority of lung cancers double in size between three and six months. It takes lung cancer a considerable amount of time to develop to the point where an X-ray can identify it.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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