ORMALIN 60 MG 10 tablets


Brand Name:  Ormalin

Name:    Ormeloxifene

Strength:  60  mg

Pills per order:   10 Tablets

Production Company:   Cipla

Used for:  Contraceptive used to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Ormalin 60mg

Ormalin 60 mg contains a contraceptive medication used to prevent unintended pregnancy. It is a non-hormonal, non-steroidal contraceptive with minimal side effects. The term “unintended pregnancy” refers to a pregnancy that either occurred accidently or when no more children were intended. Pregnancy can sometimes develop unexpectedly, such as when it begins sooner than anticipated.

Ormalin 60 mg contains ormeloxifene, an agent that hinders implantation on the uterine membrane. Ormalin 60 mg may potentially affect the uterine lining, so inhibiting conception. Ormalin 60 mg has no impact if you are already pregnant, thus it will not cause an abortion.

Follow your physician’s recommendations while administering Ormalin 60 mg. Your doctor will determine how frequently you should take Ormalin 60mg based on your medical condition. In certain instances, your menstruation may be irregular or delayed. The majority of unwanted effects of Ormalin 60 mg diminish over time. However, if the bad effects persist, visit a physician.

Do not use Ormalin 60mg if you are allergic to it or any of the components. If you are already pregnant, you should not use Ormalin 60mg since it will not assist you in terminating the pregnancy. It is safe for nursing moms to consume Ormalin 60 mg. It is advised that you wear a condom for the first three months after beginning treatment with Ormalin 60 mg to prevent unplanned pregnancy.

Medicinal Advantages

Ormeloxifene is the active ingredient of Ormalin 60 mg, a non-steroidal, non-hormonal oral contraceptive. It is often performed weekly. Additionally, it is utilized to treat uterine bleeding in ladies who have not yet reached menopause. It functions by inhibiting egg implantation on the uterine wall. Consequently, an unplanned pregnancy is prevented.

Use Instructions

Take one Ormalin 60 mg tablet according to your doctor’s instructions, including the prescribed dosage and duration. The doctor will select the appropriate dosage based on your needs. It is neither to be eaten nor crushed.

Place in a cool, dry area out of direct sunlight.

Ormalin 60mg Side Effects

Infrequent or late periods

Drug Recommendations

Do not use this medication if you are allergic to Ormeloxifene or any of its components. It is often performed weekly. Ormeloxifene cannot terminate an existing pregnancy; hence, it is not an abortion pill. Ormeloxifene is a non-hormonal contraceptive that is safe for nursing mothers to take. Ormeloxifene should only be taken under a physician’s supervision. Ormeloxifene should not be administered to children younger than 16 years old. It is suggested that you wear condoms for the first three months after using Ormeloxifene.

Interactions Between Drugs

Ormeloxifene and Antibiotic Interactions: Ormeloxifene could interact with antibiotics (tetracycline, amoxicillin).

There were no drug-food interactions observed.

No interactions between medications and illnesses have been observed.

Safety Suggestions


There was no indication of an alcohol connection.


Ormeloxifene is safe to consume during pregnancy and has not been associated with any adverse effects on the fetus.


Ormeloxifene is harmless for nursing moms. It has not been shown to be harmful to infants.


No interaction with driving was identified.


Ormeloxifene is a safe, physician-recommended medicine. If you have any adverse effects, see your physician.


Ormeloxifene is a safe, doctor-prescribed medication. If you suffer any adverse effects, contact your doctor.

No habits formed

Advice on Diet and Lifestyle

Select a diet rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products.

Quitting smoking and avoiding drinking are the most effective measures to lower the risk of problems.

Because chronic stress and vigorous physical exercise, such as running, may induce vaginal bleeding, they should be avoided.

Monitor your blood pressure daily, and if it swings excessively, call your physician immediately.

After one week of taking Ormeloxifene, a pregnancy test should be performed.

Include omega-3 fatty acid-rich foods and drinks in your diet on a regular basis. You may also use low-fat cooking oils such as olive oil, soybean oil, canola oil, and coconut oil to reduce your blood pressure.


Consult a doctor for a pregnancy test if your periods are more than 7/10 days late.

Additional Information: This item cannot be returned.

Concerns of Patients

The term “unintended pregnancy” refers to a pregnancy that either occurred accidently or when no more children were intended. Pregnancy can sometimes develop unexpectedly, such as when it begins sooner than anticipated. The majority of unintended births are the consequence of non-use of contraception or inaccurate or inconsistent contraceptive use.


Ormalin 60 mg includes Ormeloxifene, a non-steroidal and non-hormonal oral contraceptive. It functions by inhibiting egg implantation on the uterine wall. Consequently, an unplanned pregnancy is prevented.

Ormeloxifene is not known to affect the probability of future pregnancy. For further information, see your physician.

Ormeloxifene does not inhibit reproduction. Sexual activity may result in an unplanned pregnancy if caution is not used.

Period delaying or lightening is a typical Ormeloxifene side effect. If your menstruation is 15 days late, a pregnancy test should be performed. Because you will lose less hemoglobin and iron each month with lighter periods, they are not harmful. Consequently, your likelihood of having anemia is relatively low.

Ormeloxifene has a low potential for generating harmful medication interactions. However, it has been established that combining it with certain medications (such as tetracycline and amoxycillin) might diminish its efficacy. While using these drugs, it is advised that you wear a condom to prevent unintended pregnancy.

Additional information

Chemical Name


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